There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

What Unity?

Unity against hate crimes, whether racial, religious or nationalistic. Unity against the tyranny of oppressive governments and financial terrorists. Unity does not mean you give up all that you believe but agree that some things have gone too far and has to stop.

Al Hak (Arabic Paltalk room)

Paltalk Room-Muslim Human Right to Unite

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

So Much in Common>

Bismillah hir Rahmaanir Raheem

In The Name of Allah The Beneficent The Mercful.

Salam alaykum

Peace be upon you.

What makes one a Muslim?

We all agree that it is leaving off and disposing of former ideas of disbelief and adopting an Islamic one and by testifying that 'There is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger'. This is essentally what makes one a Muslim, then of course comes the follow up beliefs of Ma'aad (Day of Judgement) etc followed by the practices of prayer and fasting and pilgrimage and struggle and so on. We must also not forget that at the crux of all this is our dealings with humanity, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, this we call Akhlaq (Manners/Etquette/Morals). We shall mention those things which are unacceptable and how to deal with people holding unacceptable ideas or practices, inshallah.

We the Muslims have so much in common, we have alot to share and alot to talk about. We Muslims may differ in our languages, colours, nationality, dress, customs, food etc. We may also differ with regard to whether we were brought up as Muslims or we converted/reverted to the Deen, (Way of Life/Religion) of Islam. Some of us are of a Christian background or Jewish or Bhudist or Atheist and understand the mentalities of our families and peoples better than a Muslim who was not of a similair background. It is true also that some of us may have belonged to a certain Madhab (school of thought, whether sunni-Hanbali-Hanafi etc) and changed to another schoolof thought.

I hope that by the information which will be posted on this blog that we can get to understand eachother a little better and become closer and become friends and brothers and sisters once again, despite the differences, inshallah. Because being united does not have to mean being the same.

Wa Salamu alaykum wa Rahmautullahi Wa Barakatuh.

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