Christians and Jews.....Peace.
1) Muslims are not all on a mission to destroy and kill you, don’t believe the hype! This is more propaganda from mischief makers. As for people like Usama bin La Deen, people like this do not represent balanced, upright and decent Muslims. There is no legal or legitimate Jihad against you. What is happening is that desperate people are rushing into acts of violence and extremism that even Muslims do not tolerate or condone. The problem is that the same way you have a hard time with these so called militants, so do we. Don’t think it is any easier for us to deal with them, they have their own agenda. But do not think that it is so called Muslims doing these acts, we are well aware of the mischief of some non Muslims too such as mercenaries and secret armies.
2) As for Muslims being anti Semites.........the Prophet Muhammad (s) was a Semite! Arabs and Jews are a Semitic people. So to say that Muslims are anti Semitic is to say that Muslims are anti Arab and anti Muhammad (s).
We are not against all Jews we are against Zionism, two different things. You even have Jews who are against Zionism, are they anti Semitic too? Jews and Muslims have lived together, and still live together, peacefully in some areas for ages. It is not the people that we are against it is the policies of apartheid and the dehumanisation of people in their own land.
As for Jews currently being a 'chosen people' 'the best people' etc ......what a load of tosh. Have you seen what is going on in the world? I feel sorry for some of my Christian brothers and sisters whose mouths are closed to the injustices of some people calling themselves Jews. And what is even funnier is that a lot of people calling themselves Jews these days are not even religious. They don’t even believe in God, for them Jewishness is just a culture and a birthright. So some Christians are supporting Secular Jews........???
3) Ahmadinijad did not say he wishes to see the destruction of the Jews this is an anti Islamic statement. What he said was the removal of that regime of Zionism that is causing these problems in that region. He did not call for the wiping of Israel off the map in the sense of blowing it up. See link
4) Stop interpreting verses of the Quran nilly willy. The Quranic verses were revealed at certain times and events in history. Some of them are limited and restricted others are general. Some of them are specific to certain people others are meant for all people whether Muslim or non Muslim. The Quran is a revelation from Allah it is not something that backward Arabs of that time could of come up with, and by the way not all Arabs are backward, not even then. Take some time to find out the truth.
And stop saying that Allah is a moon God this just shows how ignorant and determined you are to spread more falsehood and take advantage of people’s ignorance of Islam and the Quran. In Surah Fusilat 41: 37. Allah says 'do not prostrate (worship) the Sun nor the Moon. Why? Because these are created things just like Jesus was a creation of Allah.
We Pray for the Christians and Jews and may we understand eachother a little better everyday. Amen.
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Blog Archive
- Christians and Jews......the real deal!
- Full of Hate........calm down.
- Bashing Tool # 2; Shia and the Sahaba.
- Who are Muslims?
- What the scholars say............
- Bashing Tool #1: Ibn Saba.........who?
- Message to the new Muslims.
- Who is better Salafi or Shia?
- Shia, Sunni debate positive or negative? Move on.
- Who are the Shia? pt.2
- Muslim and non Muslim co existence and Unity.
- Who are the Shia? pt.1
- Just call yourself Muslim
- The Holy Quran reminds us
- What do we mean by Unity?
Friday, 29 January 2010
Full of Hate........calm down.
Some people have too much hate they need to relax and chill out. When you speak to some people it is as if they only have one mode of communicating with you and that is angrily.........why? There is no need.
God gave us the faculty of speech so that we can communicate. He gave us a tongue, teeth and a mouth not for swearing, lying and shouting our heads off like mad people. But to smile, talk over issues and say good words, and for guidance.
And then you find another set of people so full of hatred they joke about other people's religions mock, ridicule and work mischief.
It makes you ask the question; are there any balanced, just and sensible people left in the world? Of course there, are I am not pessimistic, life is full of beautiful people and refreshing people who the heart attaches itself to. They listen well, they think hard, they investigate and search for the truth and they try to be balanced and not hood winked into thinking the way of propaganda machines.
To all the lovers of truth and peace we are all brothers and sisters from one male and female, Adam and Eve. Let us learn to communicate and understand each other better, for the sake of humanity. Amen.
God gave us the faculty of speech so that we can communicate. He gave us a tongue, teeth and a mouth not for swearing, lying and shouting our heads off like mad people. But to smile, talk over issues and say good words, and for guidance.
And then you find another set of people so full of hatred they joke about other people's religions mock, ridicule and work mischief.
It makes you ask the question; are there any balanced, just and sensible people left in the world? Of course there, are I am not pessimistic, life is full of beautiful people and refreshing people who the heart attaches itself to. They listen well, they think hard, they investigate and search for the truth and they try to be balanced and not hood winked into thinking the way of propaganda machines.
To all the lovers of truth and peace we are all brothers and sisters from one male and female, Adam and Eve. Let us learn to communicate and understand each other better, for the sake of humanity. Amen.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Bashing Tool # 2; Shia and the Sahaba.
Bashing Tool # 2; Shia and the Sahaba.
For those of you who have not seen the video on you tube about this subject, the link is at the top of the blog.
Sahaba=companions plural.
Sahabi=companion singular.
Here we shall not be cursing or abusing anyone but only mentioning what is available for all to see in the books of the Muslims. So this is no secret, only most people do not hear it because the mention of it is drowned out by the mention of only that which puts the Sahaba in a good light always, and anything that is other than that is turned away from. But why turn away from things that have been placed in the books of Muslims for Muslims to read? Especially as it is not Shia books but Sunni ones, And only the Shia write things against the Sahaba right?..............wrong!
This is for those people who are not allowed to read Shia books due to what they have been told, so here it is from your own books the reason why Shia do not praise all Sahaba.
If we do not read all that is available then how do we get a balanced idea and picture of a particular Sahabi’s lifestyle or the Sahaba in general?
And unless we look at each individual’s lifestyle how do we know the ones who were prone to withhold information or make up sayings and attribute them to the Prophet or attribute them to other Sahaba? Don’t tell me there were no hypocrites at the time of the Prophet and after his death, even the Quran says there were.
Many have heard the statement, repeated parrot fashion, that the Shia hate or curse or abuse the Sahaba. This is a false statement. If they had said the Shia dislike some of the Sahaba and love others then this would be closer to the truth, or if it was said the Shia prefer some Sahaba to others then this also would be true. It may also be true that some Shia also abuse or go beyond what is acceptable and use swearing and un Islamic references for some Sahaba but this is wrong and is an extreme. But as for cursing then this is something else and needs explaining, because cursing and abusing are two different things.
It is true unlike some of our Sunni brothers, who put all the Sahaba on a pedestal and praise them, The Shia do not. Some and not all Sunni’s will say ‘We hate anyone who hates them or does not speak well of them, and we only speak well of them. Love of them is a part of Islam, part of belief and part of excellent behavior, while hatred of them is unbelief, hypocrisy and rebellion’. The Shia do not have this type of blanket praise for over 100,000 individuals and nor do they agree that it is a matter like Tawheed and Nubuwat etc which are the main concepts in Islam which make one a Muslim without having to mentioning any Sahabi.
Why is that you may ask?
Because from the Shia point of view a Sahaba just means companion, but not every companion is necessarily a good companion it just means a companion, and no distinction has been given as to whether the companion is good or not yet. (See Quranic references at the end).
Sahaba are not all on one level of faith, justice, truth, knowledge or bravery and neither should they all be treated as if they were. There are great stories about some of them but that is not all.
And because the Sahaba, for some, seem to have become the new yardstick and some people go out of their way to force this idea down your throat, and if you do not accept it then it is they who will curse you your parents and abuse you and get all un Islamic, and even to the point of violence and murder in the name of “loving the Sahaba and Islam”. But this type of threats and behaviour is what is creating more unity between Shia and Sunna because no one should be forced by these types of threats, Islam is not spread like this.
Some people may say that the Shia are misguided because they do not stick to hadiths of the Prophet about the Sahaba like ‘my Sahaba are like the stars if you accept any of their sayings you will be guided’. We question whether the Prophet even said this and also say it does not make sense.
But let us see what others have said about such hadiths;
Mawdhoo` (Fabricated). Ibn `Abdul-Barr reports it in mu`allaq (suspended, i.e. an incomplete chain of narrators at the collector's end) form and Ibn Hazm reports it from him; the complete chain was provided by `Abd ibn Humaid in al-Muntakhab min al-Musnad (86/1):
This Hamzah is Ibn Abi Hamzah; Daaraqutni said about him, "Matrook (abandoned)"; Ibn `Adi said, "His narrations are mostly fabricated"; Ibn Hibbaan said, "He would be alone in narrating things which are fabricated from reliable narrators, to such an extent that it is as if he did so deliberately - it is not permissible to narrate from him"; Dhahabi quoted some of his fabricated ahaadeeth in al-Meezaan, this being one of them.
Therefore, it is absurd that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam) would command us to follow every view expressed by the Companions, for there were among them those who permitted something while others prohibited it: if the above were the case, then trading in intoxicants would be permissible if one followed Samurah ibn Jundub; it would also be permissible for someone fasting to eat snow if one followed Abu Talhah, but it was prohibited by others. So Sahaba had different views and their different ways of doing things, when they did not know what the Prophet would do, and even when they had a hadith from the Prophet there would still be differences, that is one of the reasons why we have different schools of Jurisprudence.
As well as the hadith ‘my companions are like the stars whichever of them you are guided by you will surely be guided’.
There are at least three narrations comparing the Companions with the stars in the sky:
This is a weak (da`îf) hadith narrated: - from Ibn `Umar by `Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad as stated by al-Suyuti in Manahil al-Safa (p. 193 #1027) and Ibn `Adi in al-Kamil; al-Suyuti indicated it was weak in his Jami` al-Saghir (#4603).
- from Anas by al-Bazzar who said of `Abd ibn Humayd's narration: "It is condemned (munkar) and unsound" as cited by Ibn Hajar in Talkhis al-Habir (4:190-191 #2098).
For more details on the hadith see link.
There are a number of other people responsible for forging hadiths like Sayf ibn Umar. There is an ijma (unanimous opinion) amongst the Ahle-Sunnah that the narrator Sayf Ibn Umar was a cursed person who narrated all types of lies. They have written all types of negative remarks about him that include Kadhab (liar) and untrustworthy and his traditions have no value and they all are weak. For example Imam of Salafis Al-Albaani declared him a liar (Silsila Sahiha, v3 p184).
It makes you ask the question why would people forge hadith about the Sahaba?
Also amongst those that did Hijrah was one Sahabi who ended up with the nic name Muhajir Umm Qays, or "The Emigrator for Umm Qays." His intention was for that which he emigrated for.
The Sahabi that became Muslim for a woman; Zaid ibn Khalid Ar Rahman also known as Abu Talha Al Ansari for example became Muslim for a woman, he ended up marrying Umm Sulaym (see sunan nisai Al Bani says it is Saheeh).
The Prophet is also reported to have said ‘do not sab (abuse) the Sahaba’. In the first instance he was talking to the Sahaba themselves who did this act. There are many references like these below but for the sake of space I will refer to only a few. I have omitted people’s names because some people will not want to accept it no matter the source, but the names can be found if people read the references.
• like the story of one Sahabi who abused his family and swore an oath not to eat the food and then ate the food afterwards because he said his oath was from satan. Bukhari, book 10 the book of prayers, hadith # 576. Or see link below.
• Sunni reference: History of Tabari, English version, events of year 51 AH, Execution of Hujr Ibn Adi, v18, pp 122-123 Sahabi cursing Sahabi.
• Further References:
1) ibn Taymiyah Minhaj us Sunnah, vol 3, page 178
2) Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, page 408, vol. 3
3) Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, page 437, vol 4
• Al bidaya wa Al nihaya, Ibn Kathir, vol. 8, page 259
• Not only did some, not all, Sahabi curse and abuse others they even went to war with each other and slaughtered the living daylights out of each other. It was not a pretend sword fight people actually died, but no we are not supposed to talk about these things are we?
• Which Sahaba murdered another Sahabi Malik ibn Nuwayrah?
• Read what a Sunni scholar Maulana Abul-A'ala Maududiin his Khilafat-O-Mulookiyat printed in 2000 says about the Sahaba, these type of comments are slowly being erased out of sight due to publishers only wanting people to have a set way of thinking. Try to get the original copy if you can, controversial parts are being deleted, and not just in this book but it is systematic.
He says ‘Secondly these people were not fit for the positions of leadership because although they had brought Eemaan but they had not been able to benefit (fully) from the companionship and training of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) to the extent that their hearts and minds had not yet fully transformed (in an Islamic way)’. Maulana Abul-A'ala Maududiin his Khilafat-O-Mulookiyat, 2000 edition.
And this is the link on the subject to where the people he is talking about can be seen.
• As for those that say well the ayat (verse) of Ridhwan, the verse of Allah being pleased with the Sahaba, then we say this verse was not revealed about all the Sahaba but the fact is that under the tree there were no more than 1400 Sahaba out of over 100,000. And the ayat was a conditional one and does not mean that after this they are no longer subject to the temptations of life and that this was their instant ticket to paradise, it just states that Allah was pleased with them giving bayat (allegiance) under the tree at that moment not forever and ever amen, unless they kept to that which they were supposed to, which some of them did. Also the third Khalifa was not there under the tree when the bayat was being given by others. We ask the question of those who were under the tree that day where there any responsible for the death of Ammar ibn Yaser? Or any responsible for the death of Uthman?
So which is the more balanced view? You decide but let us hear what Allah also has to say in the Quran.
Allah says in the Quran;
“And the Ashaab اصحاب companions of the left hand (those given their book of deeds in their left hand or put on the left side, which is a bad sign) what is the state of the companions of the left hand?...... In fierce hot boiling water.........” Surah Waqia 56:41.
As well as the term Sahabi being used for two kufar (disbelievers) in the prison with Prophet Yusuf 12:39.
So even in the Quran the term companion does not always have a positive meaning.
Along with that we add the hadith of the Prophet found in Bukhari;
“Some of my companions will be taken towards the left side and I will say my companions, my companions” it will be said “they had been renegades (someone who deserts the cause) after you left them”
And again;
The Prophet said (while referring to a future event), “While I will be standing a group of my followers will be brought close to me and I will recognise them, then an angel intervened between me and them and said ‘come along to them’ I asked “to where” it will be said to the fire.....”
Reference: The book of the stories of the Prophet, hadeeth # 1406, page 662. See also the book of softening of hearts, hadeeth # 2135. Summarised Bukhari Arabic-English, Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Published by Dar Us Salam 1994 print.
And in the online version of Bukhari;
Volume 8, Book 76, Number 533.
Last word the Shia do not dislike or hate all companions but there are some, because of actions and words, that we do not look up to and nor do we praise them. But the Sahaba of Badr and the battles cannot be looked at in the same way and we love them.
This was only written due to the false accusation heaped upon the Shia of hating all Sahaba. Not all Shia are the same and nor do they hate all Sahaba. It is a false charge and it is an ongoing charge, and nothing but a bashing tool used to raise emotions and get peoples backs up. If someone raises the topic of the Quran someone else asks ‘and what about the Shia and Sahaba’? If someone wants to hear about the Shia view on economics and politics another person says ‘what about the Shia and Sahaba’? Parrot fashion like an illness. The Sahaba, without some people realising, have attained Prophet like status, and untouchables. Allah says in the Quran ‘do not go to extremes in your religion’, whether you be Christian or Muslim.
For those of you who have not seen the video on you tube about this subject, the link is at the top of the blog.
Sahaba=companions plural.
Sahabi=companion singular.
Here we shall not be cursing or abusing anyone but only mentioning what is available for all to see in the books of the Muslims. So this is no secret, only most people do not hear it because the mention of it is drowned out by the mention of only that which puts the Sahaba in a good light always, and anything that is other than that is turned away from. But why turn away from things that have been placed in the books of Muslims for Muslims to read? Especially as it is not Shia books but Sunni ones, And only the Shia write things against the Sahaba right?..............wrong!
This is for those people who are not allowed to read Shia books due to what they have been told, so here it is from your own books the reason why Shia do not praise all Sahaba.
If we do not read all that is available then how do we get a balanced idea and picture of a particular Sahabi’s lifestyle or the Sahaba in general?
And unless we look at each individual’s lifestyle how do we know the ones who were prone to withhold information or make up sayings and attribute them to the Prophet or attribute them to other Sahaba? Don’t tell me there were no hypocrites at the time of the Prophet and after his death, even the Quran says there were.
Many have heard the statement, repeated parrot fashion, that the Shia hate or curse or abuse the Sahaba. This is a false statement. If they had said the Shia dislike some of the Sahaba and love others then this would be closer to the truth, or if it was said the Shia prefer some Sahaba to others then this also would be true. It may also be true that some Shia also abuse or go beyond what is acceptable and use swearing and un Islamic references for some Sahaba but this is wrong and is an extreme. But as for cursing then this is something else and needs explaining, because cursing and abusing are two different things.
It is true unlike some of our Sunni brothers, who put all the Sahaba on a pedestal and praise them, The Shia do not. Some and not all Sunni’s will say ‘We hate anyone who hates them or does not speak well of them, and we only speak well of them. Love of them is a part of Islam, part of belief and part of excellent behavior, while hatred of them is unbelief, hypocrisy and rebellion’. The Shia do not have this type of blanket praise for over 100,000 individuals and nor do they agree that it is a matter like Tawheed and Nubuwat etc which are the main concepts in Islam which make one a Muslim without having to mentioning any Sahabi.
Why is that you may ask?
Because from the Shia point of view a Sahaba just means companion, but not every companion is necessarily a good companion it just means a companion, and no distinction has been given as to whether the companion is good or not yet. (See Quranic references at the end).
Sahaba are not all on one level of faith, justice, truth, knowledge or bravery and neither should they all be treated as if they were. There are great stories about some of them but that is not all.
And because the Sahaba, for some, seem to have become the new yardstick and some people go out of their way to force this idea down your throat, and if you do not accept it then it is they who will curse you your parents and abuse you and get all un Islamic, and even to the point of violence and murder in the name of “loving the Sahaba and Islam”. But this type of threats and behaviour is what is creating more unity between Shia and Sunna because no one should be forced by these types of threats, Islam is not spread like this.
Some people may say that the Shia are misguided because they do not stick to hadiths of the Prophet about the Sahaba like ‘my Sahaba are like the stars if you accept any of their sayings you will be guided’. We question whether the Prophet even said this and also say it does not make sense.
But let us see what others have said about such hadiths;
Mawdhoo` (Fabricated). Ibn `Abdul-Barr reports it in mu`allaq (suspended, i.e. an incomplete chain of narrators at the collector's end) form and Ibn Hazm reports it from him; the complete chain was provided by `Abd ibn Humaid in al-Muntakhab min al-Musnad (86/1):
This Hamzah is Ibn Abi Hamzah; Daaraqutni said about him, "Matrook (abandoned)"; Ibn `Adi said, "His narrations are mostly fabricated"; Ibn Hibbaan said, "He would be alone in narrating things which are fabricated from reliable narrators, to such an extent that it is as if he did so deliberately - it is not permissible to narrate from him"; Dhahabi quoted some of his fabricated ahaadeeth in al-Meezaan, this being one of them.
Therefore, it is absurd that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam) would command us to follow every view expressed by the Companions, for there were among them those who permitted something while others prohibited it: if the above were the case, then trading in intoxicants would be permissible if one followed Samurah ibn Jundub; it would also be permissible for someone fasting to eat snow if one followed Abu Talhah, but it was prohibited by others. So Sahaba had different views and their different ways of doing things, when they did not know what the Prophet would do, and even when they had a hadith from the Prophet there would still be differences, that is one of the reasons why we have different schools of Jurisprudence.
As well as the hadith ‘my companions are like the stars whichever of them you are guided by you will surely be guided’.
There are at least three narrations comparing the Companions with the stars in the sky:
This is a weak (da`îf) hadith narrated: - from Ibn `Umar by `Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad as stated by al-Suyuti in Manahil al-Safa (p. 193 #1027) and Ibn `Adi in al-Kamil; al-Suyuti indicated it was weak in his Jami` al-Saghir (#4603).
- from Anas by al-Bazzar who said of `Abd ibn Humayd's narration: "It is condemned (munkar) and unsound" as cited by Ibn Hajar in Talkhis al-Habir (4:190-191 #2098).
For more details on the hadith see link.
There are a number of other people responsible for forging hadiths like Sayf ibn Umar. There is an ijma (unanimous opinion) amongst the Ahle-Sunnah that the narrator Sayf Ibn Umar was a cursed person who narrated all types of lies. They have written all types of negative remarks about him that include Kadhab (liar) and untrustworthy and his traditions have no value and they all are weak. For example Imam of Salafis Al-Albaani declared him a liar (Silsila Sahiha, v3 p184).
It makes you ask the question why would people forge hadith about the Sahaba?
Also amongst those that did Hijrah was one Sahabi who ended up with the nic name Muhajir Umm Qays, or "The Emigrator for Umm Qays." His intention was for that which he emigrated for.
The Sahabi that became Muslim for a woman; Zaid ibn Khalid Ar Rahman also known as Abu Talha Al Ansari for example became Muslim for a woman, he ended up marrying Umm Sulaym (see sunan nisai Al Bani says it is Saheeh).
The Prophet is also reported to have said ‘do not sab (abuse) the Sahaba’. In the first instance he was talking to the Sahaba themselves who did this act. There are many references like these below but for the sake of space I will refer to only a few. I have omitted people’s names because some people will not want to accept it no matter the source, but the names can be found if people read the references.
• like the story of one Sahabi who abused his family and swore an oath not to eat the food and then ate the food afterwards because he said his oath was from satan. Bukhari, book 10 the book of prayers, hadith # 576. Or see link below.
• Sunni reference: History of Tabari, English version, events of year 51 AH, Execution of Hujr Ibn Adi, v18, pp 122-123 Sahabi cursing Sahabi.
• Further References:
1) ibn Taymiyah Minhaj us Sunnah, vol 3, page 178
2) Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, page 408, vol. 3
3) Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, page 437, vol 4
• Al bidaya wa Al nihaya, Ibn Kathir, vol. 8, page 259
• Not only did some, not all, Sahabi curse and abuse others they even went to war with each other and slaughtered the living daylights out of each other. It was not a pretend sword fight people actually died, but no we are not supposed to talk about these things are we?
• Which Sahaba murdered another Sahabi Malik ibn Nuwayrah?
• Read what a Sunni scholar Maulana Abul-A'ala Maududiin his Khilafat-O-Mulookiyat printed in 2000 says about the Sahaba, these type of comments are slowly being erased out of sight due to publishers only wanting people to have a set way of thinking. Try to get the original copy if you can, controversial parts are being deleted, and not just in this book but it is systematic.
He says ‘Secondly these people were not fit for the positions of leadership because although they had brought Eemaan but they had not been able to benefit (fully) from the companionship and training of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) to the extent that their hearts and minds had not yet fully transformed (in an Islamic way)’. Maulana Abul-A'ala Maududiin his Khilafat-O-Mulookiyat, 2000 edition.
And this is the link on the subject to where the people he is talking about can be seen.
• As for those that say well the ayat (verse) of Ridhwan, the verse of Allah being pleased with the Sahaba, then we say this verse was not revealed about all the Sahaba but the fact is that under the tree there were no more than 1400 Sahaba out of over 100,000. And the ayat was a conditional one and does not mean that after this they are no longer subject to the temptations of life and that this was their instant ticket to paradise, it just states that Allah was pleased with them giving bayat (allegiance) under the tree at that moment not forever and ever amen, unless they kept to that which they were supposed to, which some of them did. Also the third Khalifa was not there under the tree when the bayat was being given by others. We ask the question of those who were under the tree that day where there any responsible for the death of Ammar ibn Yaser? Or any responsible for the death of Uthman?
So which is the more balanced view? You decide but let us hear what Allah also has to say in the Quran.
Allah says in the Quran;
“And the Ashaab اصحاب companions of the left hand (those given their book of deeds in their left hand or put on the left side, which is a bad sign) what is the state of the companions of the left hand?...... In fierce hot boiling water.........” Surah Waqia 56:41.
As well as the term Sahabi being used for two kufar (disbelievers) in the prison with Prophet Yusuf 12:39.
So even in the Quran the term companion does not always have a positive meaning.
Along with that we add the hadith of the Prophet found in Bukhari;
“Some of my companions will be taken towards the left side and I will say my companions, my companions” it will be said “they had been renegades (someone who deserts the cause) after you left them”
And again;
The Prophet said (while referring to a future event), “While I will be standing a group of my followers will be brought close to me and I will recognise them, then an angel intervened between me and them and said ‘come along to them’ I asked “to where” it will be said to the fire.....”
Reference: The book of the stories of the Prophet, hadeeth # 1406, page 662. See also the book of softening of hearts, hadeeth # 2135. Summarised Bukhari Arabic-English, Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Published by Dar Us Salam 1994 print.
And in the online version of Bukhari;
Volume 8, Book 76, Number 533.
Last word the Shia do not dislike or hate all companions but there are some, because of actions and words, that we do not look up to and nor do we praise them. But the Sahaba of Badr and the battles cannot be looked at in the same way and we love them.
This was only written due to the false accusation heaped upon the Shia of hating all Sahaba. Not all Shia are the same and nor do they hate all Sahaba. It is a false charge and it is an ongoing charge, and nothing but a bashing tool used to raise emotions and get peoples backs up. If someone raises the topic of the Quran someone else asks ‘and what about the Shia and Sahaba’? If someone wants to hear about the Shia view on economics and politics another person says ‘what about the Shia and Sahaba’? Parrot fashion like an illness. The Sahaba, without some people realising, have attained Prophet like status, and untouchables. Allah says in the Quran ‘do not go to extremes in your religion’, whether you be Christian or Muslim.
Who are Muslims?
Who are Muslims?
A Muslim is one who is meant to follow what Allah asks and what Allah has revealed.
The requests of Allah are varied and are of different levels, spread throughout the Quran and the lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad, and those that followed him in all that he advised us to follow him in. These are there to make all people who believe in the existence of a God become better believers but also more humane and constructive members of the world community.
The levels are;
1) Must do (Wajib/Fardh).
2) Better to do (Mustahab).
3) Don't do (Haram).
4) Disliked/better not to do (Makruh).
5) It is up to you (Mubah).
Some of the problems with Muslims come when they change the categorisations whether deliberately, mischievously or accidentally. As for those that change the categorisations deliberately and mischievously then it goes against the grain of being a follower of what Allah has revealed and how the Prophet showed us how to live. Therefore can such a person truly be called a Muslim? No, especially if that person’s basis for changing up the categorisations is baseless and purely of their own thinking with little or no reference to or understanding of the Quran the Sunna and Tafseers.
For example homosexuality; it is well known that in Islam acts of homosexuality are not allowed, whether between males or between females. Now if a Muslim admits that they are homosexual and are proud of it or finds nothing wrong with it or encourages it then this is classed as a big sin and fisq (corruption). This act takes away from them being a Muslim and if this act is compounded with other acts such as not praying or drinking booze then the person is on very dodgy ground, if they are left with any ground to stand on.
As for the Muslim who admits they have homosexual tendencies but they are not proud of it, but like most bad habits they try to give it up but slip back into it but keep trying throughout their life to rid themselves of it, then this person’s situation is different. They are still Muslim but of a lesser degree because one thing with sin is that they cover the heart and make it blind to further and increased continued guidance from Allah.
Yes there are degrees to being Muslim, not all Muslims are the same. Anyone can become a Muslim just by uttering the declaration of faith and it would take less than a minute to become a Muslim. But the question is will this Muslim go on to follow what Allah has revealed or will they be a lazy Muslim or a Muslim of convenience or a hypocritical Muslim or a Muslim just by name or Muslims for money getting paid to give Muslims a bad name.
In Islam Allah has allocated titles to the different types of Muslims based on what they do, and the increased belief and guidance that they receive. The least title is Muslim but it goes on to increase to being Mumin a believer because not every Muslim is considered a Mumin, but every Mumin is a Muslim, but a Muslim of better quality.
For example you have people today who call themselves Jews but they are secular non religious Jews. Amongst some Muslims you also find people who have gone astray and call themselves secular Muslims (Muslims without Allah). This statement makes no sense at all, but this is what adds to people’s confusion when it comes to the question of who are Muslims.
It does not stop there because even amongst Mumineen (believers) there are degrees of Imaan (faith). We have spoken about the topic of Sunni and Shia Muslims, but just to make clarify the title of Mumin (believer) we shall elaborate a little further.
A Shia is a Muslim and a Sunni is a Muslim but they may refer to each other as not being full believers. Both believe in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad as the last Prophet and the Quran as being revealed from Allah as complete with nothing missing. But one will say that the others Imaan (belief) is to a point, like the Sunni will say Shia are not true believers because they do not accept Abu Bakr as their Khalifa, who some of the early Muslims chose as Khlaifa.
The Shia would say that the Sunni are Muslims and believers up to the point where they do not accept the Imams (leaders of the household (Ahlul Bayt) that the Prophet advised us to cling to. And without this level of Imaan and Islam it is difficult to go on to other levels of Imaan and Ihsaan (perfection of faith).
So those who have not been poisoned or blinded with the mentality of Takfeer (calling Muslims non Muslims) would say both groups are Muslim but one is more of a believer than the other and this is where the dispute is being exploited and needless violence has occurred due to this point, which most have not understood. And other issues are being used as scapegoats to hide the real and main difference from where all other differences emanate.
It has been said before but I will say it again here that the idea that all Salafis are right and all Shia are wrong is a gross misunderstanding of the justice of Allah. The categorisation for right and wrong is not Shia or Salafi but how Muslim you are according to the categorisations used by Allah. No one group can be placed in hell jut because of a title like Shia or Sunni, but each individual is judged fairly by Allah. We should not put ourselves as the gatekeepers of hell entering into it who we see fit and saving who we see fit, it is not our job. This mentality which is to be found amongst some Christians too is not helping anybody, none should claim salvation until salvation has actually taken place. Confidence in salvation is one thing but the actuality and the reality of it happening is something else, so those that want to jump the gun it is up to them but let the rest of us should try to explain to them and not follow this mentality.
The levels of being a Muslim, and each level has its levels. All are considered Muslim but some Muslims are clearly not like others;
1) Muhsin the highest level of being a Muslim. This status is usually the preserve of Messengers, Prophets, Imams and Awliya of Allah.
2) Mumin ranges from low levels of Imaan (belief) to the highest levels which take you to a higher level of being a believing Muslim that of being a Muhsin, which is a rarity these days but not impossible.
3) Muslim ranges from just taking your Shahada (declaration of faith) and making little or no attempt to be a better citizen in the society where you live, but instead you wish death to your neighbour or you continue being unjust to yourself by drinking booze or taking drugs and sleeping around with sexual partners outside of wedlock or causing trouble. At the other end there are Muslims who keep away from these things and try to understand their Deen (religion/ way of life) a bit better every day. These are they; depending on what they read and who they listen to, go on to be better Muslims and not the type of Muslims who try to blow up planes etc.
Welcome to Islam and may you have a fruitful, constructive, positive and peaceful journey, and may we all enter the paradise by the grace of Allah,whether Muslim Sunni or Muslim Shia, Insahallah.
A Muslim is one who is meant to follow what Allah asks and what Allah has revealed.
The requests of Allah are varied and are of different levels, spread throughout the Quran and the lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad, and those that followed him in all that he advised us to follow him in. These are there to make all people who believe in the existence of a God become better believers but also more humane and constructive members of the world community.
The levels are;
1) Must do (Wajib/Fardh).
2) Better to do (Mustahab).
3) Don't do (Haram).
4) Disliked/better not to do (Makruh).
5) It is up to you (Mubah).
Some of the problems with Muslims come when they change the categorisations whether deliberately, mischievously or accidentally. As for those that change the categorisations deliberately and mischievously then it goes against the grain of being a follower of what Allah has revealed and how the Prophet showed us how to live. Therefore can such a person truly be called a Muslim? No, especially if that person’s basis for changing up the categorisations is baseless and purely of their own thinking with little or no reference to or understanding of the Quran the Sunna and Tafseers.
For example homosexuality; it is well known that in Islam acts of homosexuality are not allowed, whether between males or between females. Now if a Muslim admits that they are homosexual and are proud of it or finds nothing wrong with it or encourages it then this is classed as a big sin and fisq (corruption). This act takes away from them being a Muslim and if this act is compounded with other acts such as not praying or drinking booze then the person is on very dodgy ground, if they are left with any ground to stand on.
As for the Muslim who admits they have homosexual tendencies but they are not proud of it, but like most bad habits they try to give it up but slip back into it but keep trying throughout their life to rid themselves of it, then this person’s situation is different. They are still Muslim but of a lesser degree because one thing with sin is that they cover the heart and make it blind to further and increased continued guidance from Allah.
Yes there are degrees to being Muslim, not all Muslims are the same. Anyone can become a Muslim just by uttering the declaration of faith and it would take less than a minute to become a Muslim. But the question is will this Muslim go on to follow what Allah has revealed or will they be a lazy Muslim or a Muslim of convenience or a hypocritical Muslim or a Muslim just by name or Muslims for money getting paid to give Muslims a bad name.
In Islam Allah has allocated titles to the different types of Muslims based on what they do, and the increased belief and guidance that they receive. The least title is Muslim but it goes on to increase to being Mumin a believer because not every Muslim is considered a Mumin, but every Mumin is a Muslim, but a Muslim of better quality.
For example you have people today who call themselves Jews but they are secular non religious Jews. Amongst some Muslims you also find people who have gone astray and call themselves secular Muslims (Muslims without Allah). This statement makes no sense at all, but this is what adds to people’s confusion when it comes to the question of who are Muslims.
It does not stop there because even amongst Mumineen (believers) there are degrees of Imaan (faith). We have spoken about the topic of Sunni and Shia Muslims, but just to make clarify the title of Mumin (believer) we shall elaborate a little further.
A Shia is a Muslim and a Sunni is a Muslim but they may refer to each other as not being full believers. Both believe in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad as the last Prophet and the Quran as being revealed from Allah as complete with nothing missing. But one will say that the others Imaan (belief) is to a point, like the Sunni will say Shia are not true believers because they do not accept Abu Bakr as their Khalifa, who some of the early Muslims chose as Khlaifa.
The Shia would say that the Sunni are Muslims and believers up to the point where they do not accept the Imams (leaders of the household (Ahlul Bayt) that the Prophet advised us to cling to. And without this level of Imaan and Islam it is difficult to go on to other levels of Imaan and Ihsaan (perfection of faith).
So those who have not been poisoned or blinded with the mentality of Takfeer (calling Muslims non Muslims) would say both groups are Muslim but one is more of a believer than the other and this is where the dispute is being exploited and needless violence has occurred due to this point, which most have not understood. And other issues are being used as scapegoats to hide the real and main difference from where all other differences emanate.
It has been said before but I will say it again here that the idea that all Salafis are right and all Shia are wrong is a gross misunderstanding of the justice of Allah. The categorisation for right and wrong is not Shia or Salafi but how Muslim you are according to the categorisations used by Allah. No one group can be placed in hell jut because of a title like Shia or Sunni, but each individual is judged fairly by Allah. We should not put ourselves as the gatekeepers of hell entering into it who we see fit and saving who we see fit, it is not our job. This mentality which is to be found amongst some Christians too is not helping anybody, none should claim salvation until salvation has actually taken place. Confidence in salvation is one thing but the actuality and the reality of it happening is something else, so those that want to jump the gun it is up to them but let the rest of us should try to explain to them and not follow this mentality.
The levels of being a Muslim, and each level has its levels. All are considered Muslim but some Muslims are clearly not like others;
1) Muhsin the highest level of being a Muslim. This status is usually the preserve of Messengers, Prophets, Imams and Awliya of Allah.
2) Mumin ranges from low levels of Imaan (belief) to the highest levels which take you to a higher level of being a believing Muslim that of being a Muhsin, which is a rarity these days but not impossible.
3) Muslim ranges from just taking your Shahada (declaration of faith) and making little or no attempt to be a better citizen in the society where you live, but instead you wish death to your neighbour or you continue being unjust to yourself by drinking booze or taking drugs and sleeping around with sexual partners outside of wedlock or causing trouble. At the other end there are Muslims who keep away from these things and try to understand their Deen (religion/ way of life) a bit better every day. These are they; depending on what they read and who they listen to, go on to be better Muslims and not the type of Muslims who try to blow up planes etc.
Welcome to Islam and may you have a fruitful, constructive, positive and peaceful journey, and may we all enter the paradise by the grace of Allah,whether Muslim Sunni or Muslim Shia, Insahallah.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
What the scholars say............
What the scholars say.........
Allah The Almighty says in The Holy Quran: ”O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves refer it back to Allah and His Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best, and most suitable for the final determination.” Surah 4:59.
There are differing interpretations of ulul amr (those of authority among you) amongst mufasireen (scholars of Tafseer) and this is not the time to go into its tafseer, please refer to the various tafseer books for more information. Some have said it includes even oppressive non Muslim rulers and hypocritical leaders (which a lot of Muslims do not accept) while others say it means the scholars and others still say it means the Imams of Ahlul Bayt. In any case if the tafseer that says it is the scholars is taken, then we ask the question.............
Which scholars exactly?
That is the question because Muslims follow different scholars, but Allah is saying obey the ulul amr. It is a misnomer to use the term Muslim scholars to refer to all of Ahlul Sunnah scholars, as if they were all one in agreement, especially when it comes to the issue of whether Shias are Muslim or not or even Jihad. There are varying opinions and it is not a unanimous agreement amongst them.
Even amongst Ahlul Sunnah there are varying opinions on many topics of jurisprudence, it is quite incorrect therefore to assume that they are all united on matters of law and fatwa’s issued.
• Some “scholars” have issued fatwa against the Shia because they have found that in Shia books there are some hadiths that sound un-Islamic. Now the scholarly thing to do would be to ask the Shia especially the scholars what they say about those hadiths. Because maybe there is the possibility that the hadith is considered weak or fabricated by the Shia scholars themselves.
• It is very unscholarly to accuse all Shia of believing in certain hadiths that they themselves may consider fabricated or weak.
• It is very unscholarly to tell Muslims not to unite with the Shia because they have “un-Islamic” concepts. But rather the scholarly thing to do would be to approach the Shia whether a regular Shia or a scholar and ask them about the hadith or practice over which there is difference. If they consider the statement false or weak and admit that they do not go along with that hadith or practice then the matter should be left alone. But if “scholars” are going to insist, despite having being told that not all Shia accept those hadiths, based upon whatever evidence, then what kind of scholar is that?
• As we can see some “scholars” are against unity for whatever reason. But often it can be seen that these reasons are not substantial enough because they are too general and not really strong enough due to insufficient research on their part to establish the true nature of certain hadiths or practices.
• Shia scholars also have different opinions on issues, just like Sunni scholars, it is natural to differ.
• Shia scholars also have a system of verifying the strength or falsity of hadiths.
• Shia scholars also may agree with part of what is in a book and reject another part of it, because for them the only thing that is 100% is the Quran, everything else is subject to a second a opinion and if need be rejected.
• Shia scholars are unanimous that there is no book of hadiths that is Saheeh (authentic) from cover to cover, so why do other “scholars” insist that just because something is from Shia sources it is accepted as Saheeh by all Shia?
• Shia scholars accept even the correct hadiths from amongst the books of the generality of Muslims, but do not accept every hadith in anyone’s book whether sunni, salafi or Shia. They have their own system of verification and ijtihad.
• The science of hadith is one that Shia scholars have been dealing with for over a thousand years and are still dealing with today. Everyone knows or has heard about the science of realtors’/narrators of hadith and it is for this reason and others why the job is so painstakingly long and intricate. For some outsider to come along and say ‘oh look what I found in Shia books’ and then to go broadcasting it around the world without proper verification from the Shias themselves, is not only misrepresenting Shias it is immature and at worst it is mischievous.
• If Sahaba, even with the best of memories, can get things wrong then what of the rest of us who did not even see or hear the voice of the Prophet?
• If scholars before us differed then what of us today are we better than all of them?
• These, nowadays, “scholars” who seem to be itching to issue fatwa’s of Takfeer against Muslims is quite a strange phenomenon. Muslims need to tread carefully in these times, and not bow to the pressures of some “scholars” who wish us to submit to them. We submit to Allah only and we reserve the right to exercise our intelligence and to read as Allah tells us many a time in the Holy Quran.
• People are clutching at straws when they condemn a whole group of Muslims to hell based upon a bunch of hadiths or practices that are not accepted by the majority.
• Scholars can get carried away with their own selves at times, we do err and even scholars have to go back and review decisions they have previously made. But part of the traits of a good scholar is patience, deep thinking, honesty and not being worldly. If a scholar is tainted it could bring about destruction for those that follow him and he could become an Imam for those that are going to hell fire, even if in this life they refer to themselves as the saved sect.
• The word of the scholar is not above the word of Allah and His Prophet, nor is the word of a Sahabi or member of Ahlul Bayt above the word of Allah and His Prophet.
Allah The Almighty says in The Holy Quran: ”O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves refer it back to Allah and His Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best, and most suitable for the final determination.” Surah 4:59.
There are differing interpretations of ulul amr (those of authority among you) amongst mufasireen (scholars of Tafseer) and this is not the time to go into its tafseer, please refer to the various tafseer books for more information. Some have said it includes even oppressive non Muslim rulers and hypocritical leaders (which a lot of Muslims do not accept) while others say it means the scholars and others still say it means the Imams of Ahlul Bayt. In any case if the tafseer that says it is the scholars is taken, then we ask the question.............
Which scholars exactly?
That is the question because Muslims follow different scholars, but Allah is saying obey the ulul amr. It is a misnomer to use the term Muslim scholars to refer to all of Ahlul Sunnah scholars, as if they were all one in agreement, especially when it comes to the issue of whether Shias are Muslim or not or even Jihad. There are varying opinions and it is not a unanimous agreement amongst them.
Even amongst Ahlul Sunnah there are varying opinions on many topics of jurisprudence, it is quite incorrect therefore to assume that they are all united on matters of law and fatwa’s issued.
• Some “scholars” have issued fatwa against the Shia because they have found that in Shia books there are some hadiths that sound un-Islamic. Now the scholarly thing to do would be to ask the Shia especially the scholars what they say about those hadiths. Because maybe there is the possibility that the hadith is considered weak or fabricated by the Shia scholars themselves.
• It is very unscholarly to accuse all Shia of believing in certain hadiths that they themselves may consider fabricated or weak.
• It is very unscholarly to tell Muslims not to unite with the Shia because they have “un-Islamic” concepts. But rather the scholarly thing to do would be to approach the Shia whether a regular Shia or a scholar and ask them about the hadith or practice over which there is difference. If they consider the statement false or weak and admit that they do not go along with that hadith or practice then the matter should be left alone. But if “scholars” are going to insist, despite having being told that not all Shia accept those hadiths, based upon whatever evidence, then what kind of scholar is that?
• As we can see some “scholars” are against unity for whatever reason. But often it can be seen that these reasons are not substantial enough because they are too general and not really strong enough due to insufficient research on their part to establish the true nature of certain hadiths or practices.
• Shia scholars also have different opinions on issues, just like Sunni scholars, it is natural to differ.
• Shia scholars also have a system of verifying the strength or falsity of hadiths.
• Shia scholars also may agree with part of what is in a book and reject another part of it, because for them the only thing that is 100% is the Quran, everything else is subject to a second a opinion and if need be rejected.
• Shia scholars are unanimous that there is no book of hadiths that is Saheeh (authentic) from cover to cover, so why do other “scholars” insist that just because something is from Shia sources it is accepted as Saheeh by all Shia?
• Shia scholars accept even the correct hadiths from amongst the books of the generality of Muslims, but do not accept every hadith in anyone’s book whether sunni, salafi or Shia. They have their own system of verification and ijtihad.
• The science of hadith is one that Shia scholars have been dealing with for over a thousand years and are still dealing with today. Everyone knows or has heard about the science of realtors’/narrators of hadith and it is for this reason and others why the job is so painstakingly long and intricate. For some outsider to come along and say ‘oh look what I found in Shia books’ and then to go broadcasting it around the world without proper verification from the Shias themselves, is not only misrepresenting Shias it is immature and at worst it is mischievous.
• If Sahaba, even with the best of memories, can get things wrong then what of the rest of us who did not even see or hear the voice of the Prophet?
• If scholars before us differed then what of us today are we better than all of them?
• These, nowadays, “scholars” who seem to be itching to issue fatwa’s of Takfeer against Muslims is quite a strange phenomenon. Muslims need to tread carefully in these times, and not bow to the pressures of some “scholars” who wish us to submit to them. We submit to Allah only and we reserve the right to exercise our intelligence and to read as Allah tells us many a time in the Holy Quran.
• People are clutching at straws when they condemn a whole group of Muslims to hell based upon a bunch of hadiths or practices that are not accepted by the majority.
• Scholars can get carried away with their own selves at times, we do err and even scholars have to go back and review decisions they have previously made. But part of the traits of a good scholar is patience, deep thinking, honesty and not being worldly. If a scholar is tainted it could bring about destruction for those that follow him and he could become an Imam for those that are going to hell fire, even if in this life they refer to themselves as the saved sect.
• The word of the scholar is not above the word of Allah and His Prophet, nor is the word of a Sahabi or member of Ahlul Bayt above the word of Allah and His Prophet.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Bashing Tool #1: Ibn Saba.........who?
This person whether a factual character or a fictional one is of the tactics that some people use to bash the Muslim Shias.
The accusers say for example things like ‘Ibn Saba is to the Shia like Paul was to Christianity’.
This is why they call Shias Sabaee, meaning the followers of ibn Saba but let us make a few things clear to those who are new to this and those who are not so new to this.
1. Christians hold Paul a central and highly important figure in Christianity, after all he is a writer in the Bible and Christians take direct instructions from him. But if Shia are like the Christians then where is the same treatment of the Shia towards ibn Saba, where is the veneration and the recognition? Truth is this similitude is not suitable to be cast onto Shias.
2. If at all there were people who called themselves Shia and followed ibn Saba, in the past, then it is right to call those Shia Sabaees, and not all Shias. But that would lead to another discussion as to what types of Shia existed at that time? Were there only one type of Shia and what does the term Shia actually mean? Does it apply only to Shias as we know them today?
3. Where are the numerous hadiths that the Shia have taken from Ibn Saba? Where are the numerous hadiths that any of the scholars, old or new, have received from ibn Saba? Paul wrote so much for Christianity but not one hadeeth from ibn Saba, even a weak one? What is becoming apparent is the weakness of this charge against Shias as a whole.
4. If Shia are Sabaees why do they not call themselves Sabaees should they not feel proud that this person gave them the idea to follow Ali, if it was ibn Sabas idea? In fact Shias say that the instruction to follow Ali after the Prophet is a Quranic and Prophetic idea, and not the idea of some nakirah.
5. But let us suppose for a moment that ibn Saba said follow Ali after the Prophet’s death, should the Shia detach themselves from this idea just because this person also happened to repeat what the Prophet said in this matter? No, but if ibn Saba said follow Ali because Ali is a god or because Ali should of received the revelation or any other type of madness and blasphemy like this then the Shia stop there and leave that sort of falsehood to those who are duped by it.
6. The Prophet said in his farewell sermon there will be no new religion after me, but the people that call Shias Sabaees say that Shia are outside the fold of Islam and in fact they go as far as to say that Shia are a new religion. If Shia are outside the fold of Islam then they are not Muslims and nor are they a sect of Islam which would mean that they are a completely new religion after Islam, this is the logic of the accusers. But what they say goes against what the Prophet said that there would be no new religion. So make up your minds oh you confused people.
7. Ibn Saba does not have cult following amongst the Shia.
8. So the question remains are Shias a new religion or a cult or a sect of the Ummah? If they are a sect of the Ummah then we have to be careful to establish the facts about Shias as a group and Shias as individuals. People often talk about the saved sect, perhaps some of the Shia that are being accused of this or that are from that saved sect. Shias are not like Qadianis/Ahmadis who actually name themselves after the person who they follow and the place that their leader sprung from. Shias do not give any importance and no significance to ibn Saba nor is ibn Saba held in high esteem amongst the Shia, if he is even mentioned it is just for the sake of removing the oft propagated lies about Shia.
9. Where is the grave of this person ibn Saba? Shias, they say, are famous for visiting graves why do they not visit the grave of their ibn Saba? No real answers just conjecture and weak accusations.
10. So how do they try to make this ibn Saba accusation stick, easy it does not stick but they continue to regurgitate this stuff until people believe them. Islam has a natural appeal to the seeker of truth and some people see that reflected in the Madhab/school of Ahlul Bayt, who the Shia try to follow, as all Muslims try to follow, because the Sunnah of the Prophet was practised by the household of the Prophet. Now is this idea of following the Prophets household an innovation of ibn Saba? Anyone who suggests this has thumb sucked the word bida/innovation until they cannot even differentiate between Islamic and non Islamic. Muslims follow the Sahaba because they think that following the Sahaba is following the Prophet and likewise those that put Ahlul Bayt first over all others after the Prophet.
The accusers say for example things like ‘Ibn Saba is to the Shia like Paul was to Christianity’.
This is why they call Shias Sabaee, meaning the followers of ibn Saba but let us make a few things clear to those who are new to this and those who are not so new to this.
1. Christians hold Paul a central and highly important figure in Christianity, after all he is a writer in the Bible and Christians take direct instructions from him. But if Shia are like the Christians then where is the same treatment of the Shia towards ibn Saba, where is the veneration and the recognition? Truth is this similitude is not suitable to be cast onto Shias.
2. If at all there were people who called themselves Shia and followed ibn Saba, in the past, then it is right to call those Shia Sabaees, and not all Shias. But that would lead to another discussion as to what types of Shia existed at that time? Were there only one type of Shia and what does the term Shia actually mean? Does it apply only to Shias as we know them today?
3. Where are the numerous hadiths that the Shia have taken from Ibn Saba? Where are the numerous hadiths that any of the scholars, old or new, have received from ibn Saba? Paul wrote so much for Christianity but not one hadeeth from ibn Saba, even a weak one? What is becoming apparent is the weakness of this charge against Shias as a whole.
4. If Shia are Sabaees why do they not call themselves Sabaees should they not feel proud that this person gave them the idea to follow Ali, if it was ibn Sabas idea? In fact Shias say that the instruction to follow Ali after the Prophet is a Quranic and Prophetic idea, and not the idea of some nakirah.
5. But let us suppose for a moment that ibn Saba said follow Ali after the Prophet’s death, should the Shia detach themselves from this idea just because this person also happened to repeat what the Prophet said in this matter? No, but if ibn Saba said follow Ali because Ali is a god or because Ali should of received the revelation or any other type of madness and blasphemy like this then the Shia stop there and leave that sort of falsehood to those who are duped by it.
6. The Prophet said in his farewell sermon there will be no new religion after me, but the people that call Shias Sabaees say that Shia are outside the fold of Islam and in fact they go as far as to say that Shia are a new religion. If Shia are outside the fold of Islam then they are not Muslims and nor are they a sect of Islam which would mean that they are a completely new religion after Islam, this is the logic of the accusers. But what they say goes against what the Prophet said that there would be no new religion. So make up your minds oh you confused people.
7. Ibn Saba does not have cult following amongst the Shia.
8. So the question remains are Shias a new religion or a cult or a sect of the Ummah? If they are a sect of the Ummah then we have to be careful to establish the facts about Shias as a group and Shias as individuals. People often talk about the saved sect, perhaps some of the Shia that are being accused of this or that are from that saved sect. Shias are not like Qadianis/Ahmadis who actually name themselves after the person who they follow and the place that their leader sprung from. Shias do not give any importance and no significance to ibn Saba nor is ibn Saba held in high esteem amongst the Shia, if he is even mentioned it is just for the sake of removing the oft propagated lies about Shia.
9. Where is the grave of this person ibn Saba? Shias, they say, are famous for visiting graves why do they not visit the grave of their ibn Saba? No real answers just conjecture and weak accusations.
10. So how do they try to make this ibn Saba accusation stick, easy it does not stick but they continue to regurgitate this stuff until people believe them. Islam has a natural appeal to the seeker of truth and some people see that reflected in the Madhab/school of Ahlul Bayt, who the Shia try to follow, as all Muslims try to follow, because the Sunnah of the Prophet was practised by the household of the Prophet. Now is this idea of following the Prophets household an innovation of ibn Saba? Anyone who suggests this has thumb sucked the word bida/innovation until they cannot even differentiate between Islamic and non Islamic. Muslims follow the Sahaba because they think that following the Sahaba is following the Prophet and likewise those that put Ahlul Bayt first over all others after the Prophet.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Message to the new Muslims.
As Salamu alaykumu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
You have accepted faith, you have accepted truth in Allah and His final Prophet.
You have become a member of the way of life that is expanding into households all over the globe.
Greetings and may Allah accept the best of your deeds and forgive your errors along the way.
Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
You may come across people that ask you ‘are you Muslim’? And the reply to that would be pretty straight forward, yes. And don’t we feel good when we say that?!
You may also come across people that ask you what type of Muslim you are and the answer to that would be again Muslim.
But what do you do when people tell you don’t read that stuff or keep away from those people? Even though the people they are telling you to keep away from call them-selves Muslims too.
What would you say or think, as a Muslim, if another Muslim told people to keep away from you?
This is the state of affairs amongst some of our Muslim brothers and sisters Allah forgive them.
But do not let this type of behaviour put you off, this is not the majority mentality alhamdulilah, try to keep associations with all your fellow Muslims and leave putting people in hellfire to Allah.
When you have contact with people you know how they think and they know how you think. When you have contact and ties with people you are able to understand them more and if they have some wrong ideas or concepts you are able to try and talk to them and perhaps change their thinking.
But if you avoid them, cut them off, accuse them, scowl at them, mock them and fight them then that is hardly going to change the world and bring about peace and understanding is it?
And is that not the way of destruction for all of us if we behave this way? Who needs to attack the Muslims when the Muslims attack themselves in that case?
Peace and unity and may your future be a bright one.
Wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
You have accepted faith, you have accepted truth in Allah and His final Prophet.
You have become a member of the way of life that is expanding into households all over the globe.
Greetings and may Allah accept the best of your deeds and forgive your errors along the way.
Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
You may come across people that ask you ‘are you Muslim’? And the reply to that would be pretty straight forward, yes. And don’t we feel good when we say that?!
You may also come across people that ask you what type of Muslim you are and the answer to that would be again Muslim.
But what do you do when people tell you don’t read that stuff or keep away from those people? Even though the people they are telling you to keep away from call them-selves Muslims too.
What would you say or think, as a Muslim, if another Muslim told people to keep away from you?
This is the state of affairs amongst some of our Muslim brothers and sisters Allah forgive them.
But do not let this type of behaviour put you off, this is not the majority mentality alhamdulilah, try to keep associations with all your fellow Muslims and leave putting people in hellfire to Allah.
When you have contact with people you know how they think and they know how you think. When you have contact and ties with people you are able to understand them more and if they have some wrong ideas or concepts you are able to try and talk to them and perhaps change their thinking.
But if you avoid them, cut them off, accuse them, scowl at them, mock them and fight them then that is hardly going to change the world and bring about peace and understanding is it?
And is that not the way of destruction for all of us if we behave this way? Who needs to attack the Muslims when the Muslims attack themselves in that case?
Peace and unity and may your future be a bright one.
Wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Who is better Salafi or Shia?
Who is better?
Which Salafi and which Shia are you talking about?
There are types and types of Salafi and types and types of Shia.
You cannot say that all Shias are going straight to heaven just because they call themselves Shia and nor can you say that all Salafis are going to heaven just because they call themselves Salafis.
Nor can anyone say that all Shia or all Salafis are in hellfire.
Allah and His Prophet gave us criteria to look out for such as;
1. The best of you are those that are best to their families.
2. The best of you are those who have learnt the Quran and teach others.
3. The best of you are those who bring about reconciliation between two fighting parties.
4. The best of you are those who are best towards mankind.
5. The best of you are those who have high morals/akhlaq.
This is how ones faith is increased and perfected and not by going out of your way to dig up dirt about your opponent to expose them and shame them in public. If this is your past time pity you, especially if you are digging up dirt to hurl at the innocent.
Which Salafi and which Shia are you talking about?
There are types and types of Salafi and types and types of Shia.
You cannot say that all Shias are going straight to heaven just because they call themselves Shia and nor can you say that all Salafis are going to heaven just because they call themselves Salafis.
Nor can anyone say that all Shia or all Salafis are in hellfire.
Allah and His Prophet gave us criteria to look out for such as;
1. The best of you are those that are best to their families.
2. The best of you are those who have learnt the Quran and teach others.
3. The best of you are those who bring about reconciliation between two fighting parties.
4. The best of you are those who are best towards mankind.
5. The best of you are those who have high morals/akhlaq.
This is how ones faith is increased and perfected and not by going out of your way to dig up dirt about your opponent to expose them and shame them in public. If this is your past time pity you, especially if you are digging up dirt to hurl at the innocent.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Shia, Sunni debate positive or negative? Move on.
We have to move on from the petty debates that are coming from this so called champion or that. We have to look at who are the real benefiters and who are the real losers in all of this.
What if all the Muslims joined in with this debate of ‘Sunni , Shia and the differences’? I tell you we would all be doomed. Let us not all get tangled up in this issue but if we do need to speak on it then speak on it using wisdom and patience and good akhlaq, and not like wild dogs foaming at the mouths just waiting to be let out of cages.
Correct the misconceptions without labelling this one or that as kaafir. Put forward your points without mocking and humiliating. Ask your questions without supplying your own answers midway through your question, otherwise you’re not really asking a sincere question. Ask one question at a time and not multiple questions to create doubt and confusion in people’s minds.
I think there is too much emphasis on these types of debates which in some cases only serve to not only open old wounds but keep brothers and sisters apart. Constructive, positive dialogue and debate is good. But the type of debate that is seen on some forums and satellite stations is totally divisive and only plays into the hands of the separatists.
Some subjects should just be blanked from being spoken about because they are a total waste of time and are futile exercises like the regurgitated debate over whether Shias believe the Quran has been tampered with. It is a nonsense that people still continue to make others believe that all Shias believe this stuff.
Most of what is happening is that innocent people are being blamed for something they believe not. Allah Himself says that the Quran is unable to be forged so end of story. And until you find someone that says that stuff then stop spreading lies and rumours, and control your tongue, otherwise you make yourself sound like you believe in it being tampered with more than the ones you accuse. So stop going around in circles, if they say they don’t believe its tampered with accept it and move on.
Are we stoking our own fire for the separatists, are we turning our own weapons on each other helping the separatists? Have people forgotten already about the divide and conquer tricks? Do people think that the separatists are not able to disguise themselves as Muslim sunnis or Shias and kidnap, kill and do whatever they need to, just to achieve their aims? Shias and Sunnis are not separate tribes that have to fight for the banner of Islam and impress themselves to non Muslims that look we are Muslims and the others are not.
Those Muslims that waste their energies in this type of tit for tat retaliation of words just to have the last word and think that the last word is the truth do not know the art of debate. I have heard Muslims call other Muslims Kaafir but when you ask them why they are Kaafir they will tell you I heard that they do so and so or believe so and heard? Imagine that....... does the Quran not say read? Does the Quran not say ‘do not say of others you are not a believer’. Did the Prophet not say ‘one who calls another a Kaafir should know that either the caller or the one called is in the fire’.
This is not the time for one-upmanship over each other or to seek out the Kaafirs and the munafiqs, that is Allah’s job on the day of judgement to put everyone in their respective packages and send them off to their rightful abode. But some of us who think we carry the keys to heaven and hell would like to sieve out and despatch those who we deem unfit to call themselves Muslims. Slow down, take your time. Don’t engage in negative debate but debate on how we can stem the infighting the Takfirees, the Separatists and non Muslims that are openly and actively against Islam, the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran in their words, deeds and finances.
What if all the Muslims joined in with this debate of ‘Sunni , Shia and the differences’? I tell you we would all be doomed. Let us not all get tangled up in this issue but if we do need to speak on it then speak on it using wisdom and patience and good akhlaq, and not like wild dogs foaming at the mouths just waiting to be let out of cages.
Correct the misconceptions without labelling this one or that as kaafir. Put forward your points without mocking and humiliating. Ask your questions without supplying your own answers midway through your question, otherwise you’re not really asking a sincere question. Ask one question at a time and not multiple questions to create doubt and confusion in people’s minds.
I think there is too much emphasis on these types of debates which in some cases only serve to not only open old wounds but keep brothers and sisters apart. Constructive, positive dialogue and debate is good. But the type of debate that is seen on some forums and satellite stations is totally divisive and only plays into the hands of the separatists.
Some subjects should just be blanked from being spoken about because they are a total waste of time and are futile exercises like the regurgitated debate over whether Shias believe the Quran has been tampered with. It is a nonsense that people still continue to make others believe that all Shias believe this stuff.
Most of what is happening is that innocent people are being blamed for something they believe not. Allah Himself says that the Quran is unable to be forged so end of story. And until you find someone that says that stuff then stop spreading lies and rumours, and control your tongue, otherwise you make yourself sound like you believe in it being tampered with more than the ones you accuse. So stop going around in circles, if they say they don’t believe its tampered with accept it and move on.
Are we stoking our own fire for the separatists, are we turning our own weapons on each other helping the separatists? Have people forgotten already about the divide and conquer tricks? Do people think that the separatists are not able to disguise themselves as Muslim sunnis or Shias and kidnap, kill and do whatever they need to, just to achieve their aims? Shias and Sunnis are not separate tribes that have to fight for the banner of Islam and impress themselves to non Muslims that look we are Muslims and the others are not.
Those Muslims that waste their energies in this type of tit for tat retaliation of words just to have the last word and think that the last word is the truth do not know the art of debate. I have heard Muslims call other Muslims Kaafir but when you ask them why they are Kaafir they will tell you I heard that they do so and so or believe so and heard? Imagine that....... does the Quran not say read? Does the Quran not say ‘do not say of others you are not a believer’. Did the Prophet not say ‘one who calls another a Kaafir should know that either the caller or the one called is in the fire’.
This is not the time for one-upmanship over each other or to seek out the Kaafirs and the munafiqs, that is Allah’s job on the day of judgement to put everyone in their respective packages and send them off to their rightful abode. But some of us who think we carry the keys to heaven and hell would like to sieve out and despatch those who we deem unfit to call themselves Muslims. Slow down, take your time. Don’t engage in negative debate but debate on how we can stem the infighting the Takfirees, the Separatists and non Muslims that are openly and actively against Islam, the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran in their words, deeds and finances.
Who are the Shia? pt.2
Following on from the pt.1 discussion about the definition and use of the term Shia we now go onto the various groups calling themselves Shia.
We have said previously that to label all Shia as being the same is out of ignorance. Rather it is more appropriate to say some Shia believe this and some Shia practice that. It would be better if people knew exactly which Shias do what.
Shia Groups:
Ithna Ashari (Twelver) also known as Jafaris.
Ismaeelis (seveners).
Zaydis (fivers)
also compare Druze
You can search and find out the beliefs of the different types and try answer some of these questions along the way.
1) What Shias believe that Ali is god? This is a rare belief, if it still exists, and is condemned by mainstream Shias.
2) What Shias believe that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by mistake? The answer is not all Shias, and again this is the belief of a minority,where found.
3) What Shias believe that the present day Quran is not the real Quran and is incomplete? This is in no way a reflection on the majority if it is found to be the belief of a minority.
4) Do all Shias agree with cutting your head open with a knife or sword out of mourning for Imam Husayn? Simple answer.......NO!
It is dangerous to accuse all Shias of believing some of this stuff as mentioned above just like it would be wrong and dangerous of Shias to believe that all Sunnis believe that Allah has a literal hand.
It would also not be fair for Shias to accuse all sunnis of believing everything that is mentioned about the Prophet Muhammad in Bukhari. I will not publish those things here you may contact me via email for further details( )
So happy researching and if your belief and your scholars forbid you from reading about others to find out what they have to say for themselves then poor you.If the only information you have about others comes from those opposed to the others how fair do you expect them to be? Buy a book.
We have said previously that to label all Shia as being the same is out of ignorance. Rather it is more appropriate to say some Shia believe this and some Shia practice that. It would be better if people knew exactly which Shias do what.
Shia Groups:
Ithna Ashari (Twelver) also known as Jafaris.
Ismaeelis (seveners).
Zaydis (fivers)
also compare Druze
You can search and find out the beliefs of the different types and try answer some of these questions along the way.
1) What Shias believe that Ali is god? This is a rare belief, if it still exists, and is condemned by mainstream Shias.
2) What Shias believe that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by mistake? The answer is not all Shias, and again this is the belief of a minority,where found.
3) What Shias believe that the present day Quran is not the real Quran and is incomplete? This is in no way a reflection on the majority if it is found to be the belief of a minority.
4) Do all Shias agree with cutting your head open with a knife or sword out of mourning for Imam Husayn? Simple answer.......NO!
It is dangerous to accuse all Shias of believing some of this stuff as mentioned above just like it would be wrong and dangerous of Shias to believe that all Sunnis believe that Allah has a literal hand.
It would also not be fair for Shias to accuse all sunnis of believing everything that is mentioned about the Prophet Muhammad in Bukhari. I will not publish those things here you may contact me via email for further details( )
So happy researching and if your belief and your scholars forbid you from reading about others to find out what they have to say for themselves then poor you.If the only information you have about others comes from those opposed to the others how fair do you expect them to be? Buy a book.
Muslim and non Muslim co existence and Unity.
Does Islam tolerate other Beliefs?
The Qur'an says:
God forbids you not, with regards to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them; for God loveth those who are just. (Qur'an, 60:8)
So does Islam tolerate other beliefs and cultures?
Yes, of course it does. Tolerating something does not mean aceptance and legitimisation of it. Calling for Muslim unity and wanting to tidy up our own house does not mean we care not for other people around the world who are not Muslims, we want unity with them too, Allah says 'all of you are from Adam'.
There are many stories in history where Muslims and non Muslims have co-existed alongside one another for centuries, and even in the present Muslims still co-exist along-side non Muslims all over the world whether in individual families or societies.
What happens is that those who do not like this co-existence will dig up every negative, and give you every reason why it is a bad idea and why it can’t work etc. But history has already proven them wrong. There are people in this world who prefer anarchy and war than unity with Muslims or amongst Muslims, believe it or not. That is their sole agenda and people are paid and rewarded highly to sell themselves to their respective devils in this world. They do not call for peace as they claim, they want something else. They want to keep you peaceful while they take and conquer all that is around the world. Keep you dancing and singing and watching movies and drugged up and spaced out and confused and Godless. They want your trust by demonising groups of people and making themselves look like your saviours, they are false.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself married women that were of Christian and Jewish beliefs.
Look at how the so called backward Prophet Muhammad spoke on race and colour 1400 years ago, before all these race relation acts, he was modern before modernity. And they ask us for one good thing that Muhammad gave the world.........if they cared to open their eyes and stop turning their noses up at Islam they would know this, or perhaps it’s just a case of seeing they see not and hearing they hear not.
You will find these statements in the ‘farewell pilgrimage sermon’.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that an Arab has no superiority over a non Arab nor a non Arab has any superiority over an Arab except in Taqwa (the wide meaning of the word covers faith and being careful of your duty to God and humanity etc).
He also addressed those who thought themselves superior on the basis of colour and race by stating ‘a white person has no superiority over a black person and nor a black over a white’. This one statement could have saved many a life from being killed and enslaved by white Europeans who sought to expand their empires into Africa, America, India, Australia etc if they had believed in it. Black people were given important roles and positions over Arabs in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, namely Bilal Al Habashy r, Zaid ibn Al Harith r, Usama ibn Zaid r etc. What position does the Queen of England, or any other monarchy around the world, give black people in their palaces today in this modern or post modern era that we live in?
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that a Muslim is one from whom other people feel safe from his hands and tongue. Meaning; that he is someone that you can trust with your life and your secrets. Unfortunately there is a lot of hype news that gives the idea that Muslims are only interested in wrecking things and taking lives. Well this may be true of those who do those things and are caught doing that, but we maintain that you can never blame or castigate a whole people or family because of what one, two or however many of these type of 'Muslims' they keep finding that do these things.
It is easy to concentrate on the negative ones in any society, how many a time in the UK does the news talk about teenage gun crime or black on black gun crime? Does that make every teenager bad or every black person guilty? No! Just because the news does not offer you real life positive stories from these aspects of society does not mean they do not exist, and the same with Muslims there are many positive stories which the average person will not hear about.
So can Muslims unite with Non-Muslims?
Yes of course they can. They do not have to share the exact same beliefs to unite on issues that affect the society that they live in or the world that we all share. If people really understood Islam they would be shocked. What they are force fed with instead is a diet of constant negative images. But of course who would want to unite with a Muslim that wants to cause mayhem? Well not me, I do not unite on acts of terrorism as it is anti Islamic. Allah says in the Holy Quran ‘do not transgress the limits’. Islam is essentially a peaceful system of living but it does offer a system of defence also because it is real. It is not a religion that says peace to all if you invade my country and rape my women and torture it’s people. Islam is against torture which is another thing they can learn from Islam.
People holding different beliefs is not reason enough to be against someone. Islam does not say kill people just because they are different. It does not say attack people and wipe them all out until they all submit. Specific statements in the Quran pertaining to strategies of war cannot be taken out of context and made to seem as if they are talking about each and every moment of your existence with other people of a different faith. The doors of peace and reconciliation are always left open in Islam, peace is always an option. Defence of life and property is dear in Islam, even the life and property of a non-Muslim.
Peace and unity to my brothers and sisters in humanity of a different faith to me.
The Qur'an says:
God forbids you not, with regards to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them; for God loveth those who are just. (Qur'an, 60:8)
So does Islam tolerate other beliefs and cultures?
Yes, of course it does. Tolerating something does not mean aceptance and legitimisation of it. Calling for Muslim unity and wanting to tidy up our own house does not mean we care not for other people around the world who are not Muslims, we want unity with them too, Allah says 'all of you are from Adam'.
There are many stories in history where Muslims and non Muslims have co-existed alongside one another for centuries, and even in the present Muslims still co-exist along-side non Muslims all over the world whether in individual families or societies.
What happens is that those who do not like this co-existence will dig up every negative, and give you every reason why it is a bad idea and why it can’t work etc. But history has already proven them wrong. There are people in this world who prefer anarchy and war than unity with Muslims or amongst Muslims, believe it or not. That is their sole agenda and people are paid and rewarded highly to sell themselves to their respective devils in this world. They do not call for peace as they claim, they want something else. They want to keep you peaceful while they take and conquer all that is around the world. Keep you dancing and singing and watching movies and drugged up and spaced out and confused and Godless. They want your trust by demonising groups of people and making themselves look like your saviours, they are false.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself married women that were of Christian and Jewish beliefs.
Look at how the so called backward Prophet Muhammad spoke on race and colour 1400 years ago, before all these race relation acts, he was modern before modernity. And they ask us for one good thing that Muhammad gave the world.........if they cared to open their eyes and stop turning their noses up at Islam they would know this, or perhaps it’s just a case of seeing they see not and hearing they hear not.
You will find these statements in the ‘farewell pilgrimage sermon’.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that an Arab has no superiority over a non Arab nor a non Arab has any superiority over an Arab except in Taqwa (the wide meaning of the word covers faith and being careful of your duty to God and humanity etc).
He also addressed those who thought themselves superior on the basis of colour and race by stating ‘a white person has no superiority over a black person and nor a black over a white’. This one statement could have saved many a life from being killed and enslaved by white Europeans who sought to expand their empires into Africa, America, India, Australia etc if they had believed in it. Black people were given important roles and positions over Arabs in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, namely Bilal Al Habashy r, Zaid ibn Al Harith r, Usama ibn Zaid r etc. What position does the Queen of England, or any other monarchy around the world, give black people in their palaces today in this modern or post modern era that we live in?
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that a Muslim is one from whom other people feel safe from his hands and tongue. Meaning; that he is someone that you can trust with your life and your secrets. Unfortunately there is a lot of hype news that gives the idea that Muslims are only interested in wrecking things and taking lives. Well this may be true of those who do those things and are caught doing that, but we maintain that you can never blame or castigate a whole people or family because of what one, two or however many of these type of 'Muslims' they keep finding that do these things.
It is easy to concentrate on the negative ones in any society, how many a time in the UK does the news talk about teenage gun crime or black on black gun crime? Does that make every teenager bad or every black person guilty? No! Just because the news does not offer you real life positive stories from these aspects of society does not mean they do not exist, and the same with Muslims there are many positive stories which the average person will not hear about.
So can Muslims unite with Non-Muslims?
Yes of course they can. They do not have to share the exact same beliefs to unite on issues that affect the society that they live in or the world that we all share. If people really understood Islam they would be shocked. What they are force fed with instead is a diet of constant negative images. But of course who would want to unite with a Muslim that wants to cause mayhem? Well not me, I do not unite on acts of terrorism as it is anti Islamic. Allah says in the Holy Quran ‘do not transgress the limits’. Islam is essentially a peaceful system of living but it does offer a system of defence also because it is real. It is not a religion that says peace to all if you invade my country and rape my women and torture it’s people. Islam is against torture which is another thing they can learn from Islam.
People holding different beliefs is not reason enough to be against someone. Islam does not say kill people just because they are different. It does not say attack people and wipe them all out until they all submit. Specific statements in the Quran pertaining to strategies of war cannot be taken out of context and made to seem as if they are talking about each and every moment of your existence with other people of a different faith. The doors of peace and reconciliation are always left open in Islam, peace is always an option. Defence of life and property is dear in Islam, even the life and property of a non-Muslim.
Peace and unity to my brothers and sisters in humanity of a different faith to me.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Who are the Shia? pt.1
Here is one verse of the Holy Quran often wrongly used by opponenets of the Shia to try and prove that the Quran is against all Shias. The objective of these type of people is to try and make Shias look like they are not part of the Muslim Ummah. Also following it is a typical commentary of the verse suggesting that the Shites are deviant. The first question for most people who have knowledge of the term Shias is 'what type of shias, all shias'?
"As for those who divide up their religion and break up into sects (Shiites), you have no part in them: their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did." (6:159)
In this verse, God warns us not to divide ourselves into Shiites and declare people who do so as people who don't belong to the prophet Muhammad (p).
The Answer is:
1)the verse is speaking of sects and groups in general and not specifically one group who happen to be called Shias.
2)In this verse the term Shia is used but is it the only verse in which this term is used and is it always used in a negative way?
3)Anyone with an understanding of Arabic words would know that a verse like this cannot be so superficially interpretated to mean one group of people who happen to call themselves shias. There is an oft quoted saying of the Prophet that says that the Ummah will split into 73 sects all of them in hell except one. Are the 72 sects that go to hell all shias? This hadeeth is related by Abu Hurayrh in the book of Tirmidhi, kitaabul Imaan # 2564.
4) Did the word Shia go from being a good word to a bad word? Are all the Shia prior to the Prophet good and all the Shia after the Prophet bad? It makes no sense to generalise without an understanding of Tafseer of Quran and what meaning is intended in the ayat, as well as an understanding of the early groups of Muslims historically.
Definition of the term Shia:
In the Arabic language the word Shia translates as group, followers, partisan or sect. Meaning that one can be a shia (follower) of Abu Bakr or the Sahaba, as well as a Shia of Bush or Blair or Democracy etc.
The term Shia is more commonly understood amongst Muslims to refer to those who chose to follow Ali Al Murtaza, otherwise known as Ali ibn Abu Talib, after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhammad as oppossed to electing a member of the Sahaba. Because not only did they believe that others were not as meritous as Ali to the position but they believe that Allah and His Prophet had declred Ali to be the immediate successor to the Prophet.
Negative and Positive:
The term Shia, as we have seen from the above verse can have a negative tone.
But if the term Shia was such a bad and negative word why then does Allah call one of His greatest Prophets, Ibrahim, a Shia? The Holy Quran, (Surah saffaat) 37:83.
If the term Shia was such a negative one why then does Allah use it for the followers of Musa was not Haroon (the brother of Musa) a follower of Musa? The Holy Quran, (Surah Qasas) 28:15.
"And he (Moses) went into the city at a time when people (of the city) were not watching, so he found therein two men fighting, one being of his Shia and the other being his enemy, and the one who was of his Shia cried out to him for help against the one who was of his enemy" (note Musa's party, termed shia, are distinct from his opponent, called the enemy.
Why also would the Prophet himself use the term?
The Messenger of Allah said to Ali: "Glad tiding O Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shia (followers) will be in Paradise."
The following are all Sunni references for the above hadeeth:
Fadha'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655
Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu'aym, v4, p329
Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289
al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22
al-Darqunti, who said this tradition has been transmitted via numerous authorities.
al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p247
Also Jabir Ibn Abdillah al-Ansari narrated that:
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) said: "The Shia of Ali are the victorious ones on the day of resurrection"
al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p62
Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Holy Prophet when Ali came towards us. The Holy Prophet said: He and his Shia will aquire salvation on the day of judgment."
Are all Shia the same?
We continue to ask 'are all Shia the same'? Obviously not.
Salafis are not all the same and neither are the Shia. Sufis are not all the same and neither are the Shia. So to continue to generalise about all Shia is either mischievous or plain ignorance and lack of reading.
Wal Hamdulilahi rabil Alameen.
"As for those who divide up their religion and break up into sects (Shiites), you have no part in them: their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did." (6:159)
In this verse, God warns us not to divide ourselves into Shiites and declare people who do so as people who don't belong to the prophet Muhammad (p).
The Answer is:
1)the verse is speaking of sects and groups in general and not specifically one group who happen to be called Shias.
2)In this verse the term Shia is used but is it the only verse in which this term is used and is it always used in a negative way?
3)Anyone with an understanding of Arabic words would know that a verse like this cannot be so superficially interpretated to mean one group of people who happen to call themselves shias. There is an oft quoted saying of the Prophet that says that the Ummah will split into 73 sects all of them in hell except one. Are the 72 sects that go to hell all shias? This hadeeth is related by Abu Hurayrh in the book of Tirmidhi, kitaabul Imaan # 2564.
4) Did the word Shia go from being a good word to a bad word? Are all the Shia prior to the Prophet good and all the Shia after the Prophet bad? It makes no sense to generalise without an understanding of Tafseer of Quran and what meaning is intended in the ayat, as well as an understanding of the early groups of Muslims historically.
Definition of the term Shia:
In the Arabic language the word Shia translates as group, followers, partisan or sect. Meaning that one can be a shia (follower) of Abu Bakr or the Sahaba, as well as a Shia of Bush or Blair or Democracy etc.
The term Shia is more commonly understood amongst Muslims to refer to those who chose to follow Ali Al Murtaza, otherwise known as Ali ibn Abu Talib, after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhammad as oppossed to electing a member of the Sahaba. Because not only did they believe that others were not as meritous as Ali to the position but they believe that Allah and His Prophet had declred Ali to be the immediate successor to the Prophet.
Negative and Positive:
The term Shia, as we have seen from the above verse can have a negative tone.
But if the term Shia was such a bad and negative word why then does Allah call one of His greatest Prophets, Ibrahim, a Shia? The Holy Quran, (Surah saffaat) 37:83.
If the term Shia was such a negative one why then does Allah use it for the followers of Musa was not Haroon (the brother of Musa) a follower of Musa? The Holy Quran, (Surah Qasas) 28:15.
"And he (Moses) went into the city at a time when people (of the city) were not watching, so he found therein two men fighting, one being of his Shia and the other being his enemy, and the one who was of his Shia cried out to him for help against the one who was of his enemy" (note Musa's party, termed shia, are distinct from his opponent, called the enemy.
Why also would the Prophet himself use the term?
The Messenger of Allah said to Ali: "Glad tiding O Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shia (followers) will be in Paradise."
The following are all Sunni references for the above hadeeth:
Fadha'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p655
Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu'aym, v4, p329
Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v12, p289
al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v10, pp 21-22
al-Darqunti, who said this tradition has been transmitted via numerous authorities.
al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami , Ch. 11, section 1, p247
Also Jabir Ibn Abdillah al-Ansari narrated that:
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) said: "The Shia of Ali are the victorious ones on the day of resurrection"
al-Manaqib Ahmad, as mentioned in:
Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, p62
Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Hafidh Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Holy Prophet when Ali came towards us. The Holy Prophet said: He and his Shia will aquire salvation on the day of judgment."
Are all Shia the same?
We continue to ask 'are all Shia the same'? Obviously not.
Salafis are not all the same and neither are the Shia. Sufis are not all the same and neither are the Shia. So to continue to generalise about all Shia is either mischievous or plain ignorance and lack of reading.
Wal Hamdulilahi rabil Alameen.
Just call yourself Muslim
Some people insist that Muslims should call themselves only Muslims without referring to themselves as Sunni, Salafi, Sufi etc.
This is fine because essentially anyone that declares the testimony of faith becomes a Muslim straight away. So we are all Muslims whatever labels come after.
The reason why there seems to be an added label of identification is for the purpose of giving clarity if needed. Most non-Muslims would not know the difference between a Salafi Hizbi or a Salafi Madkhali or a Deobandi but these terms are common amongst Muslims.
Whenever we deal with non-Muslims it makes no sense to confuse them with these added labels, and it is sufficient to refer to oneself simply as a Muslim. There issue and concern is not the detailed differences between Muslims but rather belief in God and who is Allah. There concern should be the status of the Quran and the life of the Prophet and how Islam is considered a better way of life.
For others of an advanced knowledge, of the different types of Muslims, you may find that in some cases added clarity is needed. And even if you do not refer to yourself using these labels you will soon find that someone will use it for you, to refer to you and your persuasion. Because anyone with a basic knowledge of Islam and Muslims will know after a little while of conversation what type of Muslim you are.
The problem with labels is that often people use these labels about other people thinking that by the label they have summed up and identified the person they are referring to in detail.
In actual fact often you will find that a label is just a general term of address and cannot be used for detailed issues for those falling under that label. For example the term Shia is a general term of address for those that claim to follow the Prophetic example through his Ahlul Bayt.
But Shias are different, some agree with some practices while others do not. There are general accepted beliefs like the main one of Ali being the selected and intended successor to the Prophet for example. So it would be unfair to use a label like this to brand every single shia with the impression that they are all the same. It does not work for Sunnis or Salafis and nor does it work for shias.
So as for the saying just call yourself Muslim the answer would be yes and no. Yes because most of us do anyway and no because this saying seems to suggest that there is something wrong with all these terms and labels. If people are saying that the labels are causing division then this is a matter of dispute. Misunderstanding and stereotyping causes division and not a name or label by themselves. Just erasing all these names and labels is not going to solve the problem. And some of there terms where even used in the Quran and by the Prophet himself.
In any case it is a matter of discresion and wisdom and where fit you use the appopriate terminology.
This is fine because essentially anyone that declares the testimony of faith becomes a Muslim straight away. So we are all Muslims whatever labels come after.
The reason why there seems to be an added label of identification is for the purpose of giving clarity if needed. Most non-Muslims would not know the difference between a Salafi Hizbi or a Salafi Madkhali or a Deobandi but these terms are common amongst Muslims.
Whenever we deal with non-Muslims it makes no sense to confuse them with these added labels, and it is sufficient to refer to oneself simply as a Muslim. There issue and concern is not the detailed differences between Muslims but rather belief in God and who is Allah. There concern should be the status of the Quran and the life of the Prophet and how Islam is considered a better way of life.
For others of an advanced knowledge, of the different types of Muslims, you may find that in some cases added clarity is needed. And even if you do not refer to yourself using these labels you will soon find that someone will use it for you, to refer to you and your persuasion. Because anyone with a basic knowledge of Islam and Muslims will know after a little while of conversation what type of Muslim you are.
The problem with labels is that often people use these labels about other people thinking that by the label they have summed up and identified the person they are referring to in detail.
In actual fact often you will find that a label is just a general term of address and cannot be used for detailed issues for those falling under that label. For example the term Shia is a general term of address for those that claim to follow the Prophetic example through his Ahlul Bayt.
But Shias are different, some agree with some practices while others do not. There are general accepted beliefs like the main one of Ali being the selected and intended successor to the Prophet for example. So it would be unfair to use a label like this to brand every single shia with the impression that they are all the same. It does not work for Sunnis or Salafis and nor does it work for shias.
So as for the saying just call yourself Muslim the answer would be yes and no. Yes because most of us do anyway and no because this saying seems to suggest that there is something wrong with all these terms and labels. If people are saying that the labels are causing division then this is a matter of dispute. Misunderstanding and stereotyping causes division and not a name or label by themselves. Just erasing all these names and labels is not going to solve the problem. And some of there terms where even used in the Quran and by the Prophet himself.
In any case it is a matter of discresion and wisdom and where fit you use the appopriate terminology.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
The Holy Quran reminds us
The Holy Quran on unity, reconcilliation and mutual understanding.
Verily the faithful are brothers. Therefore bring about peace between your brothers, and be wary of Allah so that you may receive His mercy. The Holy Quran 49:10
There is no good in much of their secret talks, excepting him who enjoins charity and what is right or reconciliation between people, and whoever does that seeking Allah’s pleasure, soon We shall give him a great reward. The Holy Quran 4:114
And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah, and do not separate… The Holy Quran 3:103
O mankind, be mindful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from the two created and spread many men and women. The Holy Quran An-Nisaa’ 4: 1
O mankind! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may know each other; surely the most honourable of you with Allah are those among you most careful (of their duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. The Holy Quran Al Hujurat 49:13
Allah the Greatest speaks the truth.
Verily the faithful are brothers. Therefore bring about peace between your brothers, and be wary of Allah so that you may receive His mercy. The Holy Quran 49:10
There is no good in much of their secret talks, excepting him who enjoins charity and what is right or reconciliation between people, and whoever does that seeking Allah’s pleasure, soon We shall give him a great reward. The Holy Quran 4:114
And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah, and do not separate… The Holy Quran 3:103
O mankind, be mindful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from the two created and spread many men and women. The Holy Quran An-Nisaa’ 4: 1
O mankind! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may know each other; surely the most honourable of you with Allah are those among you most careful (of their duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. The Holy Quran Al Hujurat 49:13
Allah the Greatest speaks the truth.
What do we mean by Unity?
There is no good in much of their secret talks, excepting him who enjoins charity and what is right or reconciliation between people, and whoever does that seeking Allah’s pleasure, soon We shall give him a great reward. The Holy Quran 4:114
what is unity?
1 unity is the state of being one;
2 oneness: the quality of being united into one
3 the state, quality, or condition of accord or agreement;
4 singleness or constancy of purpose or action;
5 the combination or arrangement of parts into a whole.
By unity we mean being like minded for a single cause or multiple causes. Islam is a way of life and as Muslims we should involve ourselves at every level of human interaction for enjoining what is good, and alerting people about that which causes harm. That harm could be spiritual or social. Now each, whether Muslim or Non-Muslim, may have their own definition of what is good and what causes harm but we will save that for another discussion.
So what are these causes that we can unite on?
The causes are all outlined in the Quran and the Prophetic lifestyle of Muhammad. But just to name a few; Justice (Adalat), good (Bir), consciousness of Allah (Taqwa) and uniting against ignorance (Jahl) and sin (ithm) and calling people names.
Allah says in the Quran about Muslims who call others non believers-
'Don not say of anyone who offers you salaams, 'you are not a believer', you were once the same. The Holy Quran 4:94
Meaning that once you think yourself a Muslim do not look down on others as if they can never be a Muslim too and even better than you.
Being Muslim does not mean giving up ones personality and straight jacketing everyone to fit a mold. If you like apples and another Muslim does not like apples does it mean you should force the other one to eat apples just because apples are halal(lawful) and healthy? Nor does it mean that we all walk around wearing turbans and trousers up to our shins. If you want to do that fine but unity is a long process and not achieved through wearing certain items of clothing this way or that way. It may be one way to show uniformity but not the only way. Mustahab (recommended) issues should not be made fardh/wajib. Nor should minor arguments be reason to breakaway and form your own masjid.
Areas of Unity
The ideal type of unity as far as Islam is concerned is for human beings to come together as Muslims all over the world in acknowledging that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger and final Prophet to mankind. This is not done by force but by free will. Of course despite saying this we all know that there will always be people who want something else like Christianity etc.
The other types of unity are where despite being from a different sect or religion or political persuasion can agree to work together against certain evils and harms in society like rape, slavery, pedophilia or the many health issues such as aids, malaria, cancer etc.
As well as that we can also form working groups to try and tackle the problems and differences that exist whether between Jews and Muslims, Christians and Muslims, Sunnis and Sunnis, Shias and Shias, Sunnis and Shias. In fact these things are already being done but awareness of it and the possibility and understanding of unity has to be readily available to all.
The Problems
The problems are internal and external historical and current. By internal we mean the obstinate defiance of some to even come to the table to talk over issues which leads to a continued ignorance. And this ignorance is killing people.
By external it means those institutions that are dedicated to any form of Muslim unity and unity of non Muslims with Muslims. They plan by day and by night to cause continued conflict, disagreement and negative views of the other. By historical we mean the differences over leadership, which is discussed elsewhere in the blog. By current we mean the challenges we face as Muslims to show that Muslims have allot to offer and can contribute to a peaceful world just like anyone else and in some cases even more.
Levels of Unity
Unity on conflict resolution.
Unity on the reconciliation of differences.
United against racism towards Jew or Arab or Persian or Black or White or any other form of racism.
United against the killing of Muslims.
Unity against injustice e.g. a sunni Muslim is attacked by a group of shias for being sunni or a group of sunnis attack a shia for being shia, without asking or hearing anything from him in his defence.
Unity is not by force.
If you wish to take no part in the movement for unity amongst humanity then it is your choice.
Or if you call to a different type of unity that excludes all others except those that hold the beliefs of your group, sect or party then that is also your choice.
But if you see unity as being multi leveled where people of different cultures, religions, languages, sects can be unified against a common threat, such as war, anarchy or racism without having to give up their identities, then join us in the spirit of understanding to try and further resolve these and other issues too.
Peace to all.
what is unity?
1 unity is the state of being one;
2 oneness: the quality of being united into one
3 the state, quality, or condition of accord or agreement;
4 singleness or constancy of purpose or action;
5 the combination or arrangement of parts into a whole.
By unity we mean being like minded for a single cause or multiple causes. Islam is a way of life and as Muslims we should involve ourselves at every level of human interaction for enjoining what is good, and alerting people about that which causes harm. That harm could be spiritual or social. Now each, whether Muslim or Non-Muslim, may have their own definition of what is good and what causes harm but we will save that for another discussion.
So what are these causes that we can unite on?
The causes are all outlined in the Quran and the Prophetic lifestyle of Muhammad. But just to name a few; Justice (Adalat), good (Bir), consciousness of Allah (Taqwa) and uniting against ignorance (Jahl) and sin (ithm) and calling people names.
Allah says in the Quran about Muslims who call others non believers-
'Don not say of anyone who offers you salaams, 'you are not a believer', you were once the same. The Holy Quran 4:94
Meaning that once you think yourself a Muslim do not look down on others as if they can never be a Muslim too and even better than you.
Being Muslim does not mean giving up ones personality and straight jacketing everyone to fit a mold. If you like apples and another Muslim does not like apples does it mean you should force the other one to eat apples just because apples are halal(lawful) and healthy? Nor does it mean that we all walk around wearing turbans and trousers up to our shins. If you want to do that fine but unity is a long process and not achieved through wearing certain items of clothing this way or that way. It may be one way to show uniformity but not the only way. Mustahab (recommended) issues should not be made fardh/wajib. Nor should minor arguments be reason to breakaway and form your own masjid.
Areas of Unity
The ideal type of unity as far as Islam is concerned is for human beings to come together as Muslims all over the world in acknowledging that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger and final Prophet to mankind. This is not done by force but by free will. Of course despite saying this we all know that there will always be people who want something else like Christianity etc.
The other types of unity are where despite being from a different sect or religion or political persuasion can agree to work together against certain evils and harms in society like rape, slavery, pedophilia or the many health issues such as aids, malaria, cancer etc.
As well as that we can also form working groups to try and tackle the problems and differences that exist whether between Jews and Muslims, Christians and Muslims, Sunnis and Sunnis, Shias and Shias, Sunnis and Shias. In fact these things are already being done but awareness of it and the possibility and understanding of unity has to be readily available to all.
The Problems
The problems are internal and external historical and current. By internal we mean the obstinate defiance of some to even come to the table to talk over issues which leads to a continued ignorance. And this ignorance is killing people.
By external it means those institutions that are dedicated to any form of Muslim unity and unity of non Muslims with Muslims. They plan by day and by night to cause continued conflict, disagreement and negative views of the other. By historical we mean the differences over leadership, which is discussed elsewhere in the blog. By current we mean the challenges we face as Muslims to show that Muslims have allot to offer and can contribute to a peaceful world just like anyone else and in some cases even more.
Levels of Unity
Unity on conflict resolution.
Unity on the reconciliation of differences.
United against racism towards Jew or Arab or Persian or Black or White or any other form of racism.
United against the killing of Muslims.
Unity against injustice e.g. a sunni Muslim is attacked by a group of shias for being sunni or a group of sunnis attack a shia for being shia, without asking or hearing anything from him in his defence.
Unity is not by force.
If you wish to take no part in the movement for unity amongst humanity then it is your choice.
Or if you call to a different type of unity that excludes all others except those that hold the beliefs of your group, sect or party then that is also your choice.
But if you see unity as being multi leveled where people of different cultures, religions, languages, sects can be unified against a common threat, such as war, anarchy or racism without having to give up their identities, then join us in the spirit of understanding to try and further resolve these and other issues too.
Peace to all.
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