There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

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Unity against hate crimes, whether racial, religious or nationalistic. Unity against the tyranny of oppressive governments and financial terrorists. Unity does not mean you give up all that you believe but agree that some things have gone too far and has to stop.

Al Hak (Arabic Paltalk room)

Paltalk Room-Muslim Human Right to Unite

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Bashing Tool # 2; Shia and the Sahaba.

Bashing Tool # 2; Shia and the Sahaba.

For those of you who have not seen the video on you tube about this subject, the link is at the top of the blog.

Sahaba=companions plural.

Sahabi=companion singular.

Here we shall not be cursing or abusing anyone but only mentioning what is available for all to see in the books of the Muslims. So this is no secret, only most people do not hear it because the mention of it is drowned out by the mention of only that which puts the Sahaba in a good light always, and anything that is other than that is turned away from. But why turn away from things that have been placed in the books of Muslims for Muslims to read? Especially as it is not Shia books but Sunni ones, And only the Shia write things against the Sahaba right?..............wrong!

This is for those people who are not allowed to read Shia books due to what they have been told, so here it is from your own books the reason why Shia do not praise all Sahaba.

If we do not read all that is available then how do we get a balanced idea and picture of a particular Sahabi’s lifestyle or the Sahaba in general?

And unless we look at each individual’s lifestyle how do we know the ones who were prone to withhold information or make up sayings and attribute them to the Prophet or attribute them to other Sahaba? Don’t tell me there were no hypocrites at the time of the Prophet and after his death, even the Quran says there were.

Many have heard the statement, repeated parrot fashion, that the Shia hate or curse or abuse the Sahaba. This is a false statement. If they had said the Shia dislike some of the Sahaba and love others then this would be closer to the truth, or if it was said the Shia prefer some Sahaba to others then this also would be true. It may also be true that some Shia also abuse or go beyond what is acceptable and use swearing and un Islamic references for some Sahaba but this is wrong and is an extreme. But as for cursing then this is something else and needs explaining, because cursing and abusing are two different things.

It is true unlike some of our Sunni brothers, who put all the Sahaba on a pedestal and praise them, The Shia do not. Some and not all Sunni’s will say ‘We hate anyone who hates them or does not speak well of them, and we only speak well of them. Love of them is a part of Islam, part of belief and part of excellent behavior, while hatred of them is unbelief, hypocrisy and rebellion’. The Shia do not have this type of blanket praise for over 100,000 individuals and nor do they agree that it is a matter like Tawheed and Nubuwat etc which are the main concepts in Islam which make one a Muslim without having to mentioning any Sahabi.

Why is that you may ask?

Because from the Shia point of view a Sahaba just means companion, but not every companion is necessarily a good companion it just means a companion, and no distinction has been given as to whether the companion is good or not yet. (See Quranic references at the end).

Sahaba are not all on one level of faith, justice, truth, knowledge or bravery and neither should they all be treated as if they were. There are great stories about some of them but that is not all.

And because the Sahaba, for some, seem to have become the new yardstick and some people go out of their way to force this idea down your throat, and if you do not accept it then it is they who will curse you your parents and abuse you and get all un Islamic, and even to the point of violence and murder in the name of “loving the Sahaba and Islam”. But this type of threats and behaviour is what is creating more unity between Shia and Sunna because no one should be forced by these types of threats, Islam is not spread like this.

Some people may say that the Shia are misguided because they do not stick to hadiths of the Prophet about the Sahaba like ‘my Sahaba are like the stars if you accept any of their sayings you will be guided’. We question whether the Prophet even said this and also say it does not make sense.

But let us see what others have said about such hadiths;

Mawdhoo` (Fabricated). Ibn `Abdul-Barr reports it in mu`allaq (suspended, i.e. an incomplete chain of narrators at the collector's end) form and Ibn Hazm reports it from him; the complete chain was provided by `Abd ibn Humaid in al-Muntakhab min al-Musnad (86/1):

This Hamzah is Ibn Abi Hamzah; Daaraqutni said about him, "Matrook (abandoned)"; Ibn `Adi said, "His narrations are mostly fabricated"; Ibn Hibbaan said, "He would be alone in narrating things which are fabricated from reliable narrators, to such an extent that it is as if he did so deliberately - it is not permissible to narrate from him"; Dhahabi quoted some of his fabricated ahaadeeth in al-Meezaan, this being one of them.

Therefore, it is absurd that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam) would command us to follow every view expressed by the Companions, for there were among them those who permitted something while others prohibited it: if the above were the case, then trading in intoxicants would be permissible if one followed Samurah ibn Jundub; it would also be permissible for someone fasting to eat snow if one followed Abu Talhah, but it was prohibited by others. So Sahaba had different views and their different ways of doing things, when they did not know what the Prophet would do, and even when they had a hadith from the Prophet there would still be differences, that is one of the reasons why we have different schools of Jurisprudence.

As well as the hadith ‘my companions are like the stars whichever of them you are guided by you will surely be guided’.

There are at least three narrations comparing the Companions with the stars in the sky:

This is a weak (da`îf) hadith narrated: - from Ibn `Umar by `Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad as stated by al-Suyuti in Manahil al-Safa (p. 193 #1027) and Ibn `Adi in al-Kamil; al-Suyuti indicated it was weak in his Jami` al-Saghir (#4603).
- from Anas by al-Bazzar who said of `Abd ibn Humayd's narration: "It is condemned (munkar) and unsound" as cited by Ibn Hajar in Talkhis al-Habir (4:190-191 #2098).

For more details on the hadith see link.

There are a number of other people responsible for forging hadiths like Sayf ibn Umar. There is an ijma (unanimous opinion) amongst the Ahle-Sunnah that the narrator Sayf Ibn Umar was a cursed person who narrated all types of lies. They have written all types of negative remarks about him that include Kadhab (liar) and untrustworthy and his traditions have no value and they all are weak. For example Imam of Salafis Al-Albaani declared him a liar (Silsila Sahiha, v3 p184).

It makes you ask the question why would people forge hadith about the Sahaba?

Also amongst those that did Hijrah was one Sahabi who ended up with the nic name Muhajir Umm Qays, or "The Emigrator for Umm Qays." His intention was for that which he emigrated for.

The Sahabi that became Muslim for a woman; Zaid ibn Khalid Ar Rahman also known as Abu Talha Al Ansari for example became Muslim for a woman, he ended up marrying Umm Sulaym (see sunan nisai Al Bani says it is Saheeh).

The Prophet is also reported to have said ‘do not sab (abuse) the Sahaba’. In the first instance he was talking to the Sahaba themselves who did this act. There are many references like these below but for the sake of space I will refer to only a few. I have omitted people’s names because some people will not want to accept it no matter the source, but the names can be found if people read the references.

• like the story of one Sahabi who abused his family and swore an oath not to eat the food and then ate the food afterwards because he said his oath was from satan. Bukhari, book 10 the book of prayers, hadith # 576. Or see link below.

• Sunni reference: History of Tabari, English version, events of year 51 AH, Execution of Hujr Ibn Adi, v18, pp 122-123 Sahabi cursing Sahabi.

• Further References:
1) ibn Taymiyah Minhaj us Sunnah, vol 3, page 178
2) Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, page 408, vol. 3
3) Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, page 437, vol 4

• Al bidaya wa Al nihaya, Ibn Kathir, vol. 8, page 259

• Not only did some, not all, Sahabi curse and abuse others they even went to war with each other and slaughtered the living daylights out of each other. It was not a pretend sword fight people actually died, but no we are not supposed to talk about these things are we?

• Which Sahaba murdered another Sahabi Malik ibn Nuwayrah?

• Read what a Sunni scholar Maulana Abul-A'ala Maududiin his Khilafat-O-Mulookiyat printed in 2000 says about the Sahaba, these type of comments are slowly being erased out of sight due to publishers only wanting people to have a set way of thinking. Try to get the original copy if you can, controversial parts are being deleted, and not just in this book but it is systematic.
He says ‘Secondly these people were not fit for the positions of leadership because although they had brought Eemaan but they had not been able to benefit (fully) from the companionship and training of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) to the extent that their hearts and minds had not yet fully transformed (in an Islamic way)’. Maulana Abul-A'ala Maududiin his Khilafat-O-Mulookiyat, 2000 edition.

And this is the link on the subject to where the people he is talking about can be seen.

• As for those that say well the ayat (verse) of Ridhwan, the verse of Allah being pleased with the Sahaba, then we say this verse was not revealed about all the Sahaba but the fact is that under the tree there were no more than 1400 Sahaba out of over 100,000. And the ayat was a conditional one and does not mean that after this they are no longer subject to the temptations of life and that this was their instant ticket to paradise, it just states that Allah was pleased with them giving bayat (allegiance) under the tree at that moment not forever and ever amen, unless they kept to that which they were supposed to, which some of them did. Also the third Khalifa was not there under the tree when the bayat was being given by others. We ask the question of those who were under the tree that day where there any responsible for the death of Ammar ibn Yaser? Or any responsible for the death of Uthman?

So which is the more balanced view? You decide but let us hear what Allah also has to say in the Quran.

Allah says in the Quran;

“And the Ashaab اصحاب companions of the left hand (those given their book of deeds in their left hand or put on the left side, which is a bad sign) what is the state of the companions of the left hand?...... In fierce hot boiling water.........” Surah Waqia 56:41.

As well as the term Sahabi being used for two kufar (disbelievers) in the prison with Prophet Yusuf 12:39.

So even in the Quran the term companion does not always have a positive meaning.

Along with that we add the hadith of the Prophet found in Bukhari;

“Some of my companions will be taken towards the left side and I will say my companions, my companions” it will be said “they had been renegades (someone who deserts the cause) after you left them”

And again;

The Prophet said (while referring to a future event), “While I will be standing a group of my followers will be brought close to me and I will recognise them, then an angel intervened between me and them and said ‘come along to them’ I asked “to where” it will be said to the fire.....”

Reference: The book of the stories of the Prophet, hadeeth # 1406, page 662. See also the book of softening of hearts, hadeeth # 2135. Summarised Bukhari Arabic-English, Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Published by Dar Us Salam 1994 print.

And in the online version of Bukhari;

Volume 8, Book 76, Number 533.

Last word the Shia do not dislike or hate all companions but there are some, because of actions and words, that we do not look up to and nor do we praise them. But the Sahaba of Badr and the battles cannot be looked at in the same way and we love them.

This was only written due to the false accusation heaped upon the Shia of hating all Sahaba. Not all Shia are the same and nor do they hate all Sahaba. It is a false charge and it is an ongoing charge, and nothing but a bashing tool used to raise emotions and get peoples backs up. If someone raises the topic of the Quran someone else asks ‘and what about the Shia and Sahaba’? If someone wants to hear about the Shia view on economics and politics another person says ‘what about the Shia and Sahaba’? Parrot fashion like an illness. The Sahaba, without some people realising, have attained Prophet like status, and untouchables. Allah says in the Quran ‘do not go to extremes in your religion’, whether you be Christian or Muslim.

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