There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

What Unity?

Unity against hate crimes, whether racial, religious or nationalistic. Unity against the tyranny of oppressive governments and financial terrorists. Unity does not mean you give up all that you believe but agree that some things have gone too far and has to stop.

Al Hak (Arabic Paltalk room)

Paltalk Room-Muslim Human Right to Unite

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Ireland; The Financial Meltdown.

The Final Meltdown?

Call it what it is: Financial Terrorism!

History is about to be repeated. Ireland is once again on the brink of becoming a colony, this time subjugated to the control of Banksters and Eurocrats in the European Union.

Just a few weeks ago, Jim Corr and former oilfield executive Ian R Crane toured to packed auditoriums right across Ireland. They explained how the global financial meltdown had been deliberately contrived to undermine national governments. They now return for another series of presentations entitled ‘Financial Terrorism … Exposed!’

In 1800, the Irish Government legislated itself out of existence - becoming hopelessly indebted to, and dependent on the British Government to bail it out. Flash forward to modern times, and on Tuesday 7 December 2010 the Irish Parliament will vote on the Fianna Fail proposition to accept an 85 Billion Euro bail-out package. Olli Rehn, the EU Commissioner presently running Ireland, is putting increasing pressure on all Irish political parties to sign up to this EU ‘bail-out package’. It is an attempt to negate any subsequent opposition, when Fianna Fail is voted out of office in the forthcoming national elections.

A year ago, Jim Corr courted ridicule from the mainstream media for casting doubt upon the wisdom of ratifying the Treaty of Lisbon. But now, every concern expressed by Jim in the days leading up to that October 2009 referendum has come to pass … in spades! The media have begun to show Jim Corr the respect he rightly deserves. He has demonstrated his commitment to the Irish people by putting a successful music career on the line, all for a deeply held commitment: that the Irish people deserve better than being sold into abject economic slavery by the ignorance of the world’s fourth highest-paid national leader.

Brian Lenihan, Minister for Finance, has openly discussed the prospect of 100,000 people leaving Ireland as a result of austerity measures. These actions will condemn future generations to a lifetime tax debt in excess of 200,000 Euros per person. Any mass exodus will include the talent that Ireland most needs to retain. But who can blame our next generation of university graduates in their quest to seek out pastures new, where income tax, VAT and housing costs will not cripple them with penalties in excess of 70% of their income?

The ‘Eurozone’ is now on the brink of collapse. In this new series of talks, Corr and Crane will show that there are viable alternatives to the options being presented by Cowen and Lenihan on behalf of their paymasters. These alternatives will enable Ireland to achieve financial self-sufficiency, return to self-determination, and restore pride in the Irish people.
You will most certainly be interested in learning about these alternatives to excessive ‘austerity measures’. These are measures that will not rip the financial heart out of the Republic of Ireland.

1 comment:

  1. Salaam Alaikum, I hear what you are saying regarding austerity measures. The Eurozone seemingly is no longer that bed of roses that once attracted immigrants from former colonies.

    While some Economist feel that austerity programmes will only stagnate growth, and others saying these programmes are needed to drastically reduce staggering national debts, who do we believe?

    As always, we massess lose out in the end. May Allah (SWT) make it easy for us all - amin.
